Impact evaluations are studies that attempt to measure the causal impact of a project, program, or policy on one or more outcomes. This book provides a comprehensive exposition of how to conduct impact...
Given its modest position as a lower-middle income country, Vietnam stands out from the rest of the world with its remarkable performance on standardized test scores, school enrollment, and completed years...
Given its modest position as a lower-middle-income country, Vietnam stands out from the rest of the world with its remarkable performance on standardized test scores, school enrollment, and completed years...
The World Bank Economic Review is a professional journal used for the dissemination of research in development economics broadly relevant to the development profession and to the World Bank in pursuing...
The authors estimate the impact of international child sponsorship on adult income and wealth of formerly sponsored children using data on 10,144 individuals in six countries. To identify causal effects...
This research estimates the impact of international child sponsorship on adult income and wealth of formerly sponsored children using data on 10,144 individuals in six countries. To identify causal effects...
This paper examines two education programs in Sri Lanka, the program for school improvement (PSI), which decentralizes decision-making power, and the school report card program (SRCP), which was designed...
One of the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is that all children in developing countries should complete primary education. Much progress has been made toward this goal, but completing primary...
Computers were provided to randomly selected districts participating in a household survey in Vietnam to assess the impact on data quality of entering data within a day or two of completing the interview...
The invention of agriculture that occurred around 10,000 years ago heralded a shift from nomadic hunting and gathering to more managed forms of food, feed and fiber production. Since then, agricultural...
One of the eight millennium development goals is that all children in developing countries should complete primary education. Much progress has been made toward this goal, but completing primary school...
Viet Nam is an economic success story - it transformed itself from a country in the 1980s as one of the poorest in the world, to a country in the 1990s with one of the world's highest growth rates. With...
Vietnam's rapid economic growth in the 1990s greatly increased the incomes of Vietnamese households, which led to a dramatic decline in poverty. Over the same period, child malnutrition rates in Vietnam...
This article uses longitudinal data from the Philippines to examine whether the timing of malnutrition in early childhood is a critical factor in determining subsequent cognitive development. Although...
Circumstance and choice: the role of initial conditions and policies in transition economies; by Martha de Melo, Cevdet Denizer, Allan Gelb and Stoyan Tenev. Multi-tier targeting of social assistance:...
The objective of this book is to provide detailed advice on how to design multi-topic household surveys based on the experience of past household surveys. The book will help identify define objectives...
The objective of this book is to provide detailed advice on how to design multi-topic household surveys based on the experience of past household surveys. The book will help identify define objectives...
The objective of this book is to provide detailed advice on how to design multi-topic household surveys based on the experience of past household surveys. The book will help identify define objectives...
The authors assess the extent to which Vietnam's rapid economic growth in the 1990s was accompanied by reductions in poverty. They also investigate factors that contribute to certain households benefiting...
Vietnam's development since 1985 provides important lessons for economic and social policy. Among the world's 40 poorest countries in 1985, Vietnam has since had the fastest growth rate. This volume examines...