This Brief examines the impact of US interest rate hikes on developing East Asian economies. The effect will depend on the underlying factors driving the changes in US interest rates. US interest rates...
One of the key challenges facing innovative small and medium enterprises is customer acquisition. This is especially a constraint in less populated countries like those in the Western Balkans, where domestic...
The authors show that for China the movement of more people into better jobs with higher incomes formed a very important explanation for the country’s long-term success in growth and poverty reduction...
Emerging market countries require substantial foreign investment for development, economic growth,and poverty alleviation. There are multiple challenges to attracting this investment, however, ranging...
Iraq was plunged into two simultaneous crises in the second half of 2014, one driven by a sharp decline in oil prices, the other, by the war against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. The severity and...
The Boards of Governors of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group meet once a year in the fall to discuss the work of their respective institutions. The Annual Meetings, which take place...
Afghanistan's ability to enhance its human capital resources will determine the course of the nation's future economic, human and social development. Recognizing this, the Government of Afghanistan is...
The new 'lessons from practice: assessing scalability' report aims to provide specific tools and guidance to World Bank Task Team Leaders (TTLs) and other agricultural development specialists which can...
With the launch of two World Bank-funded programs, Jordan is stepping where few countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region have gone before the development of comprehensive legal aid services...
The effects of policy interventions on women are of increasing concern to policy makers in all fields, and trade is no exception. This note reviews recent World Bank projects and studies that 'gender inform'...
Late one night in November 2007 Aleksandr Kalanda, chief executive officer of Opportunity Bank in Malawi, sat in his office reviewing strategic plans for 2008. The commercial microfinance bank had doubled...
Late one night in November 2007 Aleksandr Kalanda, chief executive officer of Opportunity Bank in Malawi, sat in his office reviewing strategic plans for 2008. The commercial microfinance bank had doubled...
Late one night in November 2007 Aleksandr Kalanda, chief executive officer of Opportunity Bank in Malawi, sat in his office reviewing strategic plans for 2008. The commercial microfinance bank had doubled...
There is no longer any serious debate about whether greenhouse gas emissions from human activity are altering the earth's climate. There is also a broad consensus that efficient mitigation of emissions...
There is much in common between the agricultural sectors of the United States and Canada. This chapter begins with a brief background on the two sectors, then reviews their histories of farm policy developments...
There is much in common between the agricultural sectors of the United States and Canada. This chapter begins with a brief background on the two sectors, then reviews their histories of farm policy developments...
There is much in common between the agricultural sectors of the United States and Canada. This chapter begins with a brief background on the two sectors, then reviews their histories of farm policy developments...
This paper examines the evolution of the U.S. interest swap market. The authors review the theory and past empirical studies on U.S. swap spreads, and estimate an error-correction model for maturities...
The primary strategic goal of the World Bank's civil society team for Latin America and the Caribbean is to promote inclusive governance. Governance is understood as the sum of the many ways that individuals...
This report presents findings from a survey of 182 primary (grades 1-7) and basic (grades 1-9) schools carried out in Zambia in 2002. It describes and analyzes resource flows to these schools from three...