Bulgarian firms in clean tech value chains demonstrate limited integration within the domestic economy and rely heavily on foreign suppliers, with only 25 percent of their supplier network being domestic...
This report shows that Poland is the frontrunner in clean tech value chains, standing to benefit from the opportunities that the green transition may bring. Poland exports more, specializes in more complex...
This report provides policymakers in developing countries with a conceptual framework to understand the key challenges and benefits of cloud adoption for cybersecurity risk management, as well as practical...
The African Drone Forum is a multistakeholder engagement platform for drone technologies and services that meet the needs of emerging African market opportunities. The program connects the African drone...
This study compares Korea’s successful diversification experience with Viet Nam’s recent diversification path to identify how the latter country could further diversify into more value-added products...
In 2020, the G20 prioritized enhancing cross-border payments. The updated Roadmap (FSB 2023a) specifies actions to be undertaken to take forward the work focused on three priority themes. IMF and World...
The report presents the main structural characteristics of the sectors included in the Technology Adoption Survey (TAS) implemented in Poland and provides sectoral TAS results for general and sector-specific...
The development objective of Reimbursable Advisory Services (RAS) Growth and Jobs in Eastern Croatia Project is to increase the capacity of the government of Croatia to deploy European Structural and Investment...
The Global Office hired as a consultant (Steve Burdette) to prepare SPDs for equipment. Initially, the intention was to use these for pricing purposes by letting the countries to conform to rather loose...
This news release, dated June 4, 1979, announces a World Bank loan of 175 million dollars will help the Fondo de Equipamiento Industrial (FONEI) of Mexico to provide financing for high-priority industrial...