Young adults seeking to enter the labor market often confront a skills mismatch with firms reporting difficulty finding new entrants with appropriate levels of soft skills. This paper reports findings...
Despite extensive evidence on the importance of non-cognitive skills for labor market outcomes, to what extent training can affect specific skills in adulthood remains an open question. This paper conducts...
The social protection and jobs team organized a virtual training workshop for training facilitators from the national employment agency (NEA) from October 26 and 27, 2020. The main objective of the...
The latest push for industrialization in Ethiopia has attracted much academic and public interest. This paper assesses Ethiopia's competitiveness and attractiveness as an investment destination by comparing ...
Interest Bearing Notes is a product of the Finance and Private Sector Research Team in the World Bank's Development Research Group. It reports on research by the team, as well as non-World Bank research, ...
Despite its growing popularity, evidence that volunteering enhances civic values and social cohesion among different communities remains limited in developing countries. This study presents novel evidence...
This report summarizes findings from a randomized control trial evaluating the work-progression and productivity toolkit (WPT). The goal of WPT is to provide female operators with skills that lead to...
IFC’s Work-Progression and Productivity Toolkit (WPT) is a training program for female sewing operators designed to redress the imbalance on sewing lines in Bangladesh’s ready-made garment(RMG) factories...
The development objective of Promoting the Inclusion of Conflict-Affected Iraqi Youth Project for Iraq is to promote the social and economic inclusion of at least 3,000 conflict-affected Iraqi youth...
The development objective of the Promoting the Inclusion of Conflict-Affected Iraqi Youth Project for Iraq is to promote the social and economic inclusion of at least 3,000 conflict-affected Iraqi youth ...
The development objective of the National Volunteer Service Program Project for Lebanon is to increase youth civic engagement which in the medium term will contribute to improved social cohesion across ...
The National Volunteer Service Program (NVSP) focuses on involving Lebanese youth in volunteering activities, under the stewardship of the Lebanese Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA), and in partnership...