This cluster-randomized trial in Côte d’Ivoire examined multi-sectoral approaches to improving adolescent girls’ empowerment (AGE). Safe spaces offering life skills and sexual and reproductive health (SRH)...
Recent studies demonstrate that female leaders can improve gender-specific outcomes along multiple dimensions through better provision of public goods and legislative changes that benefit women. Using...
This paper experimentally tests whether enabling individuals to incentivize others to socialize with them can strengthen social networks and improve well-being. The paper examines family planning access...
Haiti has the highest maternal mortality rates (MMR) in the Latin America and Caribbean region, and low rates of institutional care contribute to high MMR. Although both structural and behavioral barriers...
Ratings for the Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition Services Support (MCHNSS) Project for Togo were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was moderately satisfactory and monitoring and evaluation...
The Health System Support Project (KIRA) contributes to enhancing the quality of health care services in Burundi while introducing the Results-Based Financing scheme at the community level. Burundi has...