Ambient air pollution is a major contributor to illness and premature deaths in much of the developing world, including Lagos. The World Bank is committed to supporting countries severely affected by pollution...
This report, created with the support of the Structural Reform Support Program of the European Commission (EC), provides an estimate of the health impacts of current concentrations of air pollutants in...
The main findings from the East Asia and Pacific Regional Edition of the paper, Global Burden of Disease: Generating Evidence, Guiding Policy include: 1) Substantial progress has been made in postponing...
The main findings from the Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Edition of the brief, Global Burden of Disease: Generating Evidence, Guiding Policy include: 1) Overall progress has been made in postponing death...
This report is based on seven papers for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 published in The Lancet (December 13, 2010; 380). This publication summarizes the global GBD 2010 findings and highlights...
The main findings from the Middle East and North Africa Regional Edition of the brief, Global Burden of Disease: Generating Evidence, Guiding Policy include: 1) Substantial progress has been made in postponing...
The main findings from the South Asia Regional Edition of the brief, Global Burden of Disease: Generating Evidence, Guiding Policy include: 1) Substantial progress has been made in postponing death between...
This report is based on seven papers for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 published in The Lancet (December 13, 2010; 380). This publication summarizes the global GBD 2010 findings as well as the...
The main findings from the Europe and Central Asia Regional Edition of the brief, Global Burden of Disease: Generating Evidence, Guiding Policy include: 1) Substantial progress has been made in postponing...
The main findings from the Latin America and Caribbean Regional Edition of the brief, Global Burden of Disease: Generating Evidence, Guiding Policy include: 1) Substantial progress has been made in postponing...
Smoking harms the health of smokers and those around them. Smokers are at far higher risks of strokes, heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases; cancers of the lungs, mouth, larynx, bladder, pancreas...
It is known that high levels of air pollution are bad for health and can cause premature death in rapidly growing cities. A cost-benefit analysis of air pollution is necessary for a rough estimate in reducing...
This paper examines tobacco policies for less developed countries within the neo-classical welfare economics framework. The need for tobacco policies arises because tobacco consumption can be an important...
This paper draws attention to the importance of incorporating weights for time preference and productivity in using the concept of healthy days of life lost to evaluate health projects. Two alternative...
This paper presents a cost effectiveness analysis of blindness prevention by the Onchocerciasis Control Program in Upper Volta, utilizing recent epidemiological data on changes in the incidence of blindness...
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: Credit Union (CU) installs mini-computer; film crew experiences life in Indian village; staff member discovers island of sheep, beaches...