This report presents a comprehensive overview of the state of land administration in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP). It aims to provide the Government of KP (GoKP) with a diagnostic of the deficiencies, gaps...
Across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, land is a scarce and valuable resource. The projected increase in land demand due to demographic trends, coupled with decreasing land supply due to...
Across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, land is a scarce and valuable resource. The projected increase in land demand due to demographic trends, coupled with decreasing land supply due to...
Alors que l’Afrique subsaharienne est confrontée à de multiples défis, notamment à des conflits liés à l’utilisation des terres, à l’urbanisation rapide souvent non planifiée et au changement climatique...
L’Afrique subsaharienne est confrontée à de nombreux défis, notamment les conflits fonciers, l’urbanisation rapide et souvent anarchique et le changement climatique. Il est donc nécessaire de comprendre...
This report primarily covers the progress of the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the Construction Package 2 of the Cebu Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project covering the month of February 2024
In compliance with the approved Resettlement Action Plan (RAP), specifically Chapter 11.2.3, of the Cebu Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), a monthly status report is hereby submitted to the BRT National Program...
Land titling interventions often span several years. The impacts of an intervention that subdivides collective land titles and issues individual titles can vary across individuals and time. The vast majority...
Projects involving land acquisition, involuntary resettlement and livelihood restoration represent some of the most complex projects from an environmental and social perspective. This Good Practice Handbook...
The development objective of the Sustainable Multiple Use Landscape Consortia in Brazil Project is to increase the area under sustainable land management and promote the integration of food systems and...
This discussion note profiles approaches for supporting farmers to obtain legal recognition of their informal land rights through government land allocation programs and joint titling.
This discussion note profiles approaches for building poor farmers’ legal awareness and access to legal support to resolve land disputes.
The note identifies the major causes behind the recent phenomenon of slow disbursement in Vietnam. The emphasis is placed on regulatory and procedural changes that went into effect in and after 2015, when...