Utilizing novel data on over 10,000 disclosed cyber incidents across 190 countries and 21 industries, along with data on governments’ cybersecurity commitments, this paper investigates the impact of cybersecurity...
Countries worldwide are implementing GovTech reforms to modernize the public sector and achieve better performance while responding to citizens’ needs. At its core, GovTech represents a whole-of-government...
This report is the fifth deliverable under the agreement between the National Administration “Romanian Waters” (ANAR) and the World Bank (WB). It provides technical inputs for developing specifications...
Ratings for the Fourth Regional Communications Infrastructure Program for Comoros were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was substantial...
As civic life has moved online scholars have questioned whether this will exacerbate political inequalities due to differences in access to technology. However, this concern typically assumes that unequal...
Effective grievance mechanisms are an essential part of accountability and provide initial access to potential redress. They are important for communities impacted by private sector operations, and important...
As mobile penetration reaches 90% of people, and Internet usage increases across the country, the Government of Moldova has committed to using these communication channels for better governance and citizen...