This is a list of selected World Bank Group publications on childcare. It provides links to the documents, as well as bibliographical information.
By 2030, an estimated two-thirds of the world's extremely poor could be concentrated in countries and contexts characterized by fragility, conflict, and violence (FCV) (World Bank Group, 2020). FCV contexts...
In developed countries, public childcare programs have increased maternal employment by easing time constraints. However, their impact in lower-middle-income settings with multigenerational households...
This paper reports on the prevalence of three facets of mental health—depression, anxiety, and parenting stress—among mothers of children ages 0–6 years in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Data from mother-child...
This report reviews Uganda’s legal, policy, and institutional framework for center-based childcare provision for children under three, providing critical insights for the Generating Growth Opportunities...
Women, Business and the Law 2024 is the 10th annual study measuring the enabling conditions affecting women’s economic opportunities in 190 economies. This edition introduces two new indicators—Safety...
Poverty has remained nearly stagnant in Niger, with a national poverty incidence of approximately 41 percent from 2018 to 2021. However, due to a high annual population growth rate of 3.7 percent, this...
Women are often the primary caregivers for children, which may restrict women’s economic activities. Evidence on the benefits of childcare is often from more developed urban settings. The authors examine...
This report synthesizes available evidence on childcare in Cambodia to provide a holistic analysis of the policy landscape and priorities for further investment. It presents new data to describe the existing...
Launched in March 2018, and implemented by the Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD), Government of India (Gol), the POSHAN Abhiyaan (or the National Nutrition Mission) aimed at achieving improvement...
Launched in March 2018, and implemented by the Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD), Government of India (Gol), the POSHAN Abhiyaan (or the National Nutrition Mission) aimed at achieving improvement...
Launched in March 2018 and implemented by the Ministry of Women & Child Development (MWCD), Government of India (Gol), the POSHAN Abhiyaan (or the National Nutrition Mission) aimed at achieving improvement...
This flipchart and accompanying facilitator’s field guide is intended to be used by social protection workers, social workers, animators, community volunteers, early childhood caregivers and teachers...
Using a randomized control trial, this paper studies an at-scale preschool construction program that serves poor communities in rural Mozambique. In addition to the construction of preschools, the program...
The report first provides background on Ghana and its regions, before it presents the latest picture on poverty for the country at the regional and district level. A review of the progress is showcased...
The report first provides background on Ghana and its regions, before it presents the latest picture on poverty for the country at the regional and district level. A review of the progress is showcased...
Yhe project aims to develop a national monitoring system that will support the National Agency for Social Protection (NASP) under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to monitor the transition from...
By 2023, more than 108 million people were forcibly displaced worldwide, with children under 18 constituting 45 percent. This study examines the human development gaps between forcibly displaced migrant...