In Cameroon, like in other countries, public hearings are the most common method of citizen involvement mentioned in Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA). To elicit various attributes of current...
Private investment in infrastructure - opportunities and challenges; by Declan Duff. Coming of age in the global village; by Ake Almgren. On the ground, under the ground, in the water, in the air - a decade...
Despite its importance as East Timor's major export, coffee remains relatively unresearched in terms of the characteristics of the sector's production and intermediation process. If coffee production is...
SIF : civil society monitoring; by Pongsapich, Amara. Comments on the Thailand Legal Development Project; by Kittayarak, Kittipong. The quality of growth. Comments on the World Bank Development Report...
SIF : civil society monitoring; by Pongsapich, Amara. Comments on the Thailand Legal Development Project; by Kittayarak, Kittipong. The quality of growth. Comments on the World Bank Development Report...
Building coalitions for change. Small grants program: developing from the ground up. Events and activity update. Bringing women out of the silence. Helping women help themselves.
Frontier focus; by Peter Woicke. Web discovery - E-commerce goes north-south; by Rob Wright. Roundup : human resources assistance and Syrian entrepreneurs. Fleeing the fire - building local currency debt...
Lands of vision, by Peter Woicke. Softbank and IFC attacking the divide. Venezuelan mudslide: a nation rebuilds, by Jannette Esguerra. On the edge: diving into daring deals, by Rob Wright. Track record...
Bringing back the Balkans; by Rob Wright. Getting on the brandwagon; by Simon Anholt. Building accountability from the ground up - the new compliance Adviser / Ombudsman; by Shawn Miller. Energy efficiency...
Roundup : a big bank sale in Prague; Thailand's model restructuring. Corporate governance goes global - riding the rising tide; by Rob Wright. A new look at African privatization; and the ten commandments...
Roundup : oil : into the Caspian sea, and Asia : pieces of the puzzle; by Linda McCormick. Dealing with the devil - the hell of corruption; by Philip Segal. Just what the Doctor ordered - prescriptions...
Under reconstruction - an Asian journal; by Rob Wright. The Net effect on the nation state; by Charles J. Doyle, Glover T. Ferguson and Hugh F. Morris. The new Executive Vice President of IFC - Peter Woicke;...
Tigers tamed: Asian danger, Asian opportunity, by Teresa C. Barger. Uzbekistan: three of a kind, by Ketki Bhagwati, Raymond Chiu, Per Kjellerhaug, and Paul Crystal. Tanzania: uplink, by Omari Issa and...
Giant steps : can broader be better? by Erik D'Amato. Whale in a swimming pool, by Debora Spar. Different kind of banker, different kind of bank. The long view : Latin America's pension boom, by Lucy Conger...
West Bank and Gaza : a new direction. Israelis, Palestinians unite in $100 million fund. What's new about globalization? by Jane Fraser and Jeremy Oppenheim. Africa Business Network : web page for the...
Manila : private water works, by Scott MacLeod, Tony Clamp, and Luc Dejonckheere. Managing for change Africa, by Alexander Nicolas Keyserlingk and Charles Minor. Chiapas : a chance for change, by...
An economic approach to the evaluation of nutrition and related health programs is described. Although health related interventions aim to increase household and individual welfare, they may be inconsistent...