Now that the relations between poverty and health are well documented, it was important to present the current situation in Senegal before the publication of the second poverty reduction strategy paper...
Using the available data, this report gathers and analyzes all the information to assess the health system performance and equity. In the last decades progress has been recorded in all the sectors, but...
A conceptual framework for women's health in the region is discussed to gain a broad-based understanding of the issues discussed at the meeting. The life cycle approach to women's health, the basic tenets...
Health, nutrition and population (HNP) indicators in Sub-Saharan Africa are relatively poor compared to the rest of the world. They also appear to be quite diverse across Sub-Saharan African countries...
The report primary objective is to analyze health resource allocation and service delivery processes in Africa, and provide new elements to improve them. It examines the characteristics and particularities...
The Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) or Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiatives cover a full range of poverty reduction strategies and policies for the country, sector-specific issues...
This report argues that the private sector is for the rich and the public sector is for the poor. It demonstrates that the poorer segments of the population do use the private sector extensively, and the...
The purpose of this study is to support the government of Mozambique and the World Bank health team in identifying key program and policy issues related to the planning, production, deployment, retention...
The purpose of this study is to support the government of Mozambique and the World Bank health team in identifying key program and policy issues related to the planning, production, deployment, retention...
This Country Status report provides an analysis of the education sector in Lesotho up to 2003/04 (and, on some dimensions, up to 2004/05), specifically, a diagnostic in orientation, which aims to assist...
In 2000 and 2001 the Gambia had engaged in the process of preparing its PRSP. This process led the government of Gambia to launch critical analytical and sector work to underpin its renewed strategies...
The Education Country Status Report for Côte-d'Ivoire was at its stage of finalization when events took place that shook up the national landscape. The report provides a diagnostic of the education system...
In Sub-Saharan Africa millions of school-age children have no access to schooling; in a small number of countries, fewer than one in four are in school. Giving all children of the appropriate age access...
This report argues that the private sector is for the rich and the public sector is for the poor. It demonstrates that the poorer segments of the population do use the private sector extensively, and the...
The objective of the present study is to contribute to strengthening the work of the World Bank on health, nutrition and population (HNP) in Africa by distilling experience and lessons learned from behavior...
The health indicators of Rwanda outline a health situation that is one of the worst in Sub- Saharan Africa and which, by far, reflect the consequences of the genocide and war in 1994. Notwithstanding the...
This toolkit offers a timely compilation and analysis of recent experience of interactive radio instruction (IRI) in Africa and elsewhere. It explains the IRI concept. It guides the reader through the...
The present study of Namibia's human capital and knowledge development for economic growth with equity assesses Namibia's readiness to adopt a knowledge-based development strategy. It concludes that Namibia...
The national development framework recognizes knowledge, and its application, as some of the key engines for economic growth and social development. Namibia seeks to transform itself into a knowledge economy...
Realization of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for achieving universal primary education by 2015 in the world as a whole, and for Africa, in particular, requires concentrated attention on the Democratic...