Non-financial corporates in emerging market and developing economies (EMDEs) have amassed high levels of debt in the past decade, especially during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) shock, when they needed massive...
Many countries around the world are implementing national strategies for financial education. These strategies often involve teaching financial education in schools. While the literature on school financial...
Global efforts to counter terrorism financing and money laundering have led banks to terminaterelationships with some communities, businesses, and individuals around the world. When a financialinstitution...
In Latin America, labor markets have been the main channel through which growth has reduced poverty, with higher labor income accounting for 49 percent of the reduction in poverty in 2008-13. Understanding...
The first Annual Meetings of the Board of Governors of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund were held in Washington, DC in 1946. The Second Annual Meetings took place in London from...
This study reports the results of an impact evaluation of a pilot project implemented in 220 villages in Bajna block, Ratlam district, Madhya Pradesh (MP), India. The 30-month pilot was designed to improve...
The recent financial crisis brought to light the importance of transparent and effective corporate financial reporting to a country’s economic recovery and subsequent growth. The Road to Europe: Program...
The recent financial crisis brought to light the importance of transparent and effective corporate financial reporting to a country’s economic recovery and subsequent growth. The Road to Europe: Program...
The new report 'lessons from practice: assessing scalability' aims to provide specific tools and guidance to World Bank Task Team Leaders (TTLs) and other agricultural development specialists which can...
The Egyptian revolution has brought to the forefront the need to focus on job opportunities; transparency and accountability; a fair and competitive environment; as well as equal access to finance, land...
In 2010, three infrastructure projects with private participation reached financial or contractual closure in three low- and middle-income countries, involving investment commitments of US$1.1 billion...
Twenty years after the revolutions of Central and Eastern Europe, the Arab Spring is again raising some fundamental questions about the place of freedom and entitlement in development. Depending on the...
Ever since microcredit first began to capture public attention 25 years ago, the usual story line has been that it is a tool of extraordinary power to lift poor people-especially women-out of poverty...
Desde que el microcrédito capturó la atención pública por primera vez hace 25 años, el argumento frecuente ha sido que se trata de una herramienta de extraordinario poder para sacar a la población, especialmente...
The Bretton Woods sisters, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (henceforth the World Bank) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), were set up in 1944. The original purpose of...
For decades farm earnings have often been depressed by pro-urban, anti-agricultural biases of government policies in developing countries. This study is part of a global research project seeking to understand...
The Uganda Nutrition and Early Childhood Development Project was one of the World Bank's first projects to demonstrate the value-added of strategic communication. The strategic communication component...
Uruguay is a small open economy with one of the highest GDP per capita ratios in the region. The country's recent poor growth performance has been strongly correlated with neighboring Argentina's economic...
Uruguay es un país con una pequeña economía abierta cuyo PIB per cápita es uno de los más altos de la región. El crecimiento deficiente registrado por esta nación en los últimos años se debe, en gran medida...