The economies of the Western Balkans (WB6) continue to navigate a complex operating environment, and despite experiencing a moderate acceleration in growth, uncertainty remains high. This year, the region...
Women are a powerful engine for international trade and economic growth. As workers, small-scale traders, entrepreneurs, and producers, their engagement in export activities has the potential not only...
Employment segregation - the unequal distribution of female and male workers across and within jobtypes—is often at the heart of gender gaps in job quality, wage and employment trajectories. Employment...
The October 2022 update presents the 4th edition of the World Bank’s Multidimensional Poverty Measure (MPM), based on updates to the Global Monitoring Database (GMD). The MPM is an index that captures...
As climate change results in recurrent and more frequent natural disasters, each calamity proves instructional for the future. The author summarizes the lessons learned from the social protection and wider...
Mongolia’s central vaccine storage facility in Ulaanbaatar did not have the capacity or capability to accommodate incoming Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines, some of which required storage at very cold temperatures...
Mozambique is about to face two transformative opportunities for accelerating the pace of poverty reduction: the prospect of major resource inflows from the extraction of liquid natural gas (LNG) and other...
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is the first pandemic since the world’s population consisted of more people aged over 65 than under five. COVID-19 fatality rises sharply with age: over 95 percent of...
This paper combines remote-sensed data and individual child, mother, and household-level data from the Demographic and Health Surveys for 5 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa to design a prototype drought-contingent...
Big data is transforming financial services around the world. Advances in data analytics and computational power are allowing firms to exploit data in an easier, faster, and more reliable manner, and at...
Business training in low-income countries have scarcely shown impacts on revenues and profits, especially for female entrepreneurs. In this study, we test two kinds of trainings, one basic in-class training...
This paper describes the health financing policies used today by African countries to expand health coverage. It identifies key health financing policies used by African countries and measures the existence...
The 26th Report of the Panel of Experts (POE) summarises evidence of progress on the Listof Actions (LoA) in the Comprehensive Action Plan (CAP) towards closure of theResettlement Implementation Period...
Infrastructure is the backbone of every economy. It delivers basic services critical to sustainable economic growth, improved living standards, and shared prosperity. The traditional role of financing...
The context in Ontario was encouraging for light-emitting diode (LED) programs at federal, provincial, and municipal levels. At the federal level, there were a number of incentive programs funded by the...
Vizag at night is illuminated with 91,000 streetlights that are owned by GVMC. Before Cyclone Hudhud, most of the streetlights used high-pressure sodium-vapor (HPS) or tubular fluorescent lamp (TFLs) technologies...
Guadalajara, with a population of approximately 1.5 million, is the fourth largest city in Mexico and is located in the country’s central Pacific region. Until the implementation of the current street...
This paper entitled with Municipal Financing Delivery Model in Quezon City,Philippines, is one in a series of seven knowledge products produced by ESMAP in an attempt to help cities work through the challenges...
The project covers seven cities, encompassing nine urban local bodies: seven municipal corporations (MCs) and two urban improvement trusts (UITs). The urban local bodies are responsible for infrastructure...
Birmingham’s light-emitting diode (LED) street lighting project is a small but integral component of a larger, innovative public-private infrastructure modernization effort - the Birmingham Highway Maintenance...