This is a study of the efficiency of Uganda’s public education system. Since this type of study is relatively new for Ugandan education, the study begins by defining the basic concepts, terminology, and...
In recent years, a number of African governments, sometimes working in partnership with the Bank, and other development partners, have moved forward with new-style programs to build public sector capacity...
The two types of education decentralization--to lower levels of government and to individual schools--have very different origins and aims. The decentralization of education to lower levels of government...
The study focuses on decentralization, referring to the process of returning the political, fiscal, and administrative powers, to sub-national units of government. It examines the decentralization transformation...
El estudio se centra en la descentralización, en referencia al proceso de devolución de los poderes políticos, fiscales y administrativos a las unidades subnacionales de gobierno. Se examina la transformación...
El estudio explora el tema de la gestión de la educación pública, que actualmente está teniendo cambios radicales tanto en los países industrializados como en los países en desarrollo, y se centra, en...
This document examines the design and adminstration of intergovernmental transfers in recent decentralized governments. Even in decentralized systems, central government structures have permanent objectives...
La matrícula de las universidades en América Latina se multiplicó 10 veces en las últimas dos décadas. Sin embargo, el gasto gubernamental no mantuvo el ritmo de la demanda de inscripción. El aumento de...
Este documento examina el diseño y la administración de las transferencias intergubernamentales en los Gobiernos recientemente descentralizados. Incluso en los sistemas descentralizados, las estructuras...
A large number of developing nations are in the process of decentralizing basic education with the aim of diversifying revenue sources and introducing greater accountability and efficiency. This paper...
More and more countries in Latin America and Caribbean Region (LAC) are either implementing or planning decentralized arrangements. An important characteristic of decentralized government is a system of...
Enrollments in Latin American universities increased tenfold in the past two decades. Government spending, however, has not kept pace with enrollment demand. Increased higher educationn enrollments have...
Evaluating decentralization in terms of three economic criteria - social efficiency, technical efficiency, and equity - the paper argues that some decisionmaking (about finance and teacher recruitment)...