This country-level analysis of international trading patterns examines all sub-Saharan (SSA) countries for which trade data exist. Firm-level analysis is restricted to five countries: Kenya, Mauritius...
Can perceptions data help us understand investment climate constraints facing the private sector? Or do firms simply complain about everything? In this paper, the authors provide a picture of how firms'...
Prior research has emphasized that the high costs and risks arising from a poor investment climate-lack of clear property rights, macro-instability, the burden of regulation and taxation, poor infrastructure...
Much of the growth in Sub-Saharan Africa in the past decade has come from extractive industries, rather than from private, entrepreneurial activity. Furthermore, non-extractive activity in the private...
This paper analyzes the determinants of firms' decision to provide HIV/AIDS prevention activities. Using data from 860 firms and 4,955 workers in Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya, it shows that larger firms...
This paper examines the role of private support institutions in determining small and medium enterprise (SME) growth and performance in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). It finds that SMEs in SSA get around market...
Malagasy's private sector suffers from low productivity, particularly for non-EPZ firms, and a poor business environment which affects the sector as a whole. Export processing zone (EPZ) firms, however...
Since 1994, Benin 's gross domestic product growth performance has been superior to that of Sub-Saharan Africa, averaging 4.9 percent. The main driver of this growth is an economywide increase in total...
This report provides an assessment of Madagascar's investment climate, based on a detailed survey of 293 enterprises in the manufacturing sector across Madagascar. Smaller surveys were conducted on tourism...
This report provides an assessment of Madagascar's investment climate, based on a detailed survey of 293 enterprises in the manufacturing sector across Madagascar. Smaller surveys were conducted on tourism...
The objectives of the ICA are to assess the current performance of formal manufacturing firms, to identify the key constraints on their growth and competitiveness, and to prioritize and assess policy priorities...
Uganda's economic growth since the late 1980s has resulted largely from restoring and rehabilitating the country's productive capacity. Going forward, growth will need to come increasingly from new investments...
For Mozambique to achieve its ambitious poverty reduction goals, it must maintain an annual growth rate of 8 percent over the next seven years. While this is within the range of recent performance, sustaining...
The Eritrea Investment Climate Assessment (ICA) is based primarily on a survey conducted by the Regional Program on Enterprise Development (Africa Private Sector Unit) in Spring 2002. The team covered...
The Nigerian economy has performed poorly since the late 1970s, resulting in stagnation and increasing poverty. Gross national product (GNP) per capita in 1999 was US$300, lower than the level attained...
The development of the private sector in Sub-Saharan Africa is of crucial importance to the overall rate of economic growth of the region. Entrepreneurial firms have a prominent role in the private sector...
The development of the private sector in Sub-Saharan Africa is of crucial importance to the overall rate of economic growth of the region. Entrepreneurial firms have a prominent role in the private sector...
This study focuses on the role of entrepreneurs in the private sector in sub-Saharan Africa. Using data from the Regional Program on Enterprise Development (RPED) and controlling for various factors, our...
This study focuses on the role of entrepreneurs in the private sector in sub-Saharan Africa. Using data from the Regional Program on Enterprise Development (RPED) and controlling for various factors, our...
Ghana was one of the first African countries to initiate an IMF/World Bank-sponsored structural adjustment program. In 1983, the Government of Ghana (GOG) introduced its Economic Recovery Program after...