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Does the private sector care about AIDS? Evidence from investment climate surveys in East Africa (Inglés)

This paper analyzes the determinants of firms' decision to provide HIV/AIDS prevention activities. Using data from 860 firms and 4,955 workers in Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya, it shows that larger firms, and firms with higher skilled workers tend to invest more in AIDS prevention. Firms where more than 50 percent of workers are unionized are also more likely to do more prevention activity. Finally, these characteristics are also significant in determining...
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  • 2006/06/01

  • Desarrollo del sector privado, políticas industriales y de privatización

  • 37171

  • 1

  • 1

  • África,

  • África,

  • 2010/07/01

  • Disclosed

  • Does the private sector care about AIDS? Evidence from investment climate surveys in East Africa

  • access to health service

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