IFC supports private sector clients as they develop investment projects in E2W and E3W markets, helping identify viable business models and piloting innovative solutions. Working in collaboration with...
IFC is supporting municipalities and private sector clients in implementing electric last-mile solutions, from identifying enabling policies to developing innovative pilot projects that can be scaled up...
IFC is engaging in policy, early-stage, and pre-investment activities to develop e-mobility investments in emerging markets. When it comes to the development of an enabling legal and regulatory environment...
IFC is supporting clients in emerging markets, including private investors and sub-national governments, with a range of early-stage project preparation and pre-investment services. In the case of e-bus...
IFC is engaging in early-stage and pre-investment activities to originate and scale up investment opportunities in charging infrastructure in emerging markets. In addition to providing advice to governments...
Romania needs to make important decisions on smart metering implementation but has yet to conduct an up-to-date cost-benefit analysis that fully measures the economic impacts of this radical change in...
Since the approval of the Common Rules for the Internal Market in Electricity Directive (2009/72/EC) in 2009, all member states of the European Union (EU) have been attempting to assess the impacts of...
The report aims to provide information about the current EMR regulations in Romania, relevant standards, and their appropriate implementation and to identify gaps and limitations. It documents the evidence...
The assessment of the EMR system across the different EMR centers in Romania shows that: (i) the regulation in force is not properly implemented due to insufficient or inappropriate mechanisms, and (i)...