The South Asian region has the highest rates of hunger in the world. According to one estimate, 336 million people (nearly 23 percent of its population) are routinely hungry and new threats are emerging...
Malnutrition continues to be a major development challenge in the South Asia region. Given its size, India hosts the majority of the malnourished. Around 300 million people in India do not have access...
The nutrition challenge in South Asia is complex due to its varying scale from hunger to hidden hunger. The region has the highest rates of hunger and under nutrition in the world, and overweight and obesity...
A new generation of information and communication technologies (ICTs) is finding a small foothold among poor, small-scale farmers in developing countries. Even so, many barriers still prevent poor rural...
Increasing food and nutrition insecurity and increasing poverty in the face of a rapidly changing climate and a degrading natural capital base are daunting challenges for agriculture, livestock, forests...
Climate change affects rural women's and men's ability to secure their livelihoods. At the same time, it poses new challenges for the agricultural sector in reducing poverty and food insecurity and in...
The World development report 2010: development and climate change highlights the link between biotechnology, development, and environment. Aside from recognizing biotechnology's potential to improve crop...
The livelihoods of the world's poor rise and fall with the fate of agriculture. Enhancing the ability of smallholders to connect with the knowledge, networks, and institutions necessary to improve their...
The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for agriculture e-sourcebook describes a wide variety of ICT innovations and discusses the potential they carry for stakeholders engaged in agricultural...
The gender and governance in rural services insights from India, Ghana, and Ethiopia report aims to generate policy-relevant knowledge on strategies for improving agricultural service delivery, with a...
This paper presents the conceptual framework for a training program on integrating disaster risk reduction and climate-change mitigation into Agriculture and Rural Development Department (ARD) programming...
The development objective of the Second Provincial Agricultural Development Project (PROSAP II) for Argentina is to increase the productivity and profitability of small and medium-size agricultural producers...
This discussion paper presents the converging views of workshop participants and the emerging agenda for an agricultural innovation systems approach. It incorporates views and content from the economic...
This note for India is based on the paper Scenario Planning to guide long-term investments in Agricultural Science and Technology (report no. 37066). Scenarios are an important and useful tool, providing...
This background paper explains that the use of biotechnology in agriculture is enmeshed in controversy, particularly with regard to the development and use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), also...
The purpose of this toolkit is to provide practical guidance in the monitoring and evaluation of the environmental and social sustainability of Agricultural and Rural Development (ARD) programs and projects...
The main objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive review of the functional foods sector in developing countries and assess its investment potential in two countries, mainly India and China...
Functional foods have been the topic of considerable interest in the food and nutrition industry for years, but the term currently lacks a common definition. A practical definition adopted here includes...
A number of changes worldwide are taking place that have implications for the rural and agricultural sector. Population growth, improved incomes, and shifting dietary patterns continue to increase and...
Functional foods have entered the global markets with force in the past decade and have rapidly gained market share as value added products. Although the term "functional foods" currently lacks a common...