Scientific evidence indicates that global warming could well lead to a sea-level rise of 1 meter or more in the 21st century. This paper seeks to quantify how a 1-meter sea-level rise that would affect...
The Nam Theun 2 Hydroelectricity Power Project (NT2), located in the Khammouane Province of central Lao's People Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), aims to produce electricity with a generating capacity of...
A number of countries around the world have in recent years implemented environmental performance rating and public disclosure programs, and, where evidence is available, these programs have been shown...
This paper attempts to assess the economics of adaptation to extreme weather events. The author address several questions that are relevant for the international discussion: how will climate change alter...
Global climate models predict a rise in extreme weather in the next century. To better understand future interactions among adaptation costs, socioeconomic development, and climate change in developing...
El aumento de la temperatura superficial del mar es algo manifiesto en todas las latitudes y en todos los océanos. La convicción actual es que el calentamiento del océano es la principal causa de una mayor...
El aumento del nivel del mar (ANM) provocado por el cambio climático es una amenaza mundial grave. Las pruebas científicas son abrumadoras. El crecimiento continuo de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero...
Studies comparing household surveys with on-site interceptor surveys have typically accounted for over-sampling avid users in the on-site interceptor surveys (that is, endogenous stratification). However...
The empirical literature on environmental performance or compliance has followed two strands: one based on the impact of formal regulation as a means of inducing better environmental performance, and another...
This paper presents a study of willingness-to-pay of the Armenian Diaspora in the United States to protect Armenia's Lake Sevan, a unique and precious symbol of the Armenian cultural heritage. Dichotomous...
This paper presents a case study of willingness-to-pay (WTP) estimation using random valuation models. A contingent valuation survey was conducted in Yerevan, Armenia to estimate people's WTP for the protection...
For almost 20 years, the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Korea has published on a monthly basis a list of enterprises that fail to comply with national environmental laws and regulations. In...
Since 1989, environmental authorities of the Republic of Korea have published on a monthly basis a list of enterprises violating the country's environmental rules and regulations. This may be the longest...
The authors examine policy problems related to the use of emissions taxes, and emissions trading, two market-based instruments for controlling pollution by getting regulated firms to adopt cleaner technologies...
An increasing number of regulators have adopted public disclosure programs to create incentives for pollution control. Previous empirical analyses of monitoring and enforcement issues have focused strictly...
An innovative program in Indonesia, developed with assistance from the World Bank researches, set out to tap the power of public opinion and financial markets to encourage factories to reduce pollution...
After weighing the costs and benefits of pollution control, profit-maximizing firms sometimes choose not to invest in pollution abatement because the penalty they expect regulators to impose for noncompliance...
The authors call for a revised model for the regulation of industrial pollution. They think the traditional emphasis on appropriate instruments, while ultimately correct, is premature, because agencies...
In 1989, Indonesia's Minister for Population and the Environment introduced its "Clean River" Program (PROKASIH). The program's purpose is to improve water quality by reducing pollution emmissions. Though...
The Program for Pollution Control, Evaluation and Rating (PROPER) of Indonesia is an innovative program for public disclosure of polluters' environmental performance and is expected to serve two objectives:...