Since we introduced the term “middle-income trap” in 2006, it has become popular among policy makers and researchers. In May 2015, a search of Google Scholar returned more than 3,000 articles including...
In Western democracies, systems of checks and balances built into government structures have formed the core of good governance, and have helped empower citizens for more than two hundred years. Many developing...
Can service be a growth escalator? The world is experiencing its third industrial revolution, and services are at the forefront of this revolution. Services have already surpassed industry as a source...
Delivering aid differently was written at a time when the future of foreign aid is being fiercely debated. The book includes an overview; case studies of Aceh/Indonesia, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Pakistan...
This book is an output of the 'positioning Penang' study, a collaborative research project between Khazanah Nasional Berhad and The World Bank, identified by the Economic Planning Unit (EPU) as one of...
The growth experience of India and other South Asian countries suggests that a 'service revolution', rapid income growth, job creation, gender equality, and poverty reduction led by services, is now possible...
The story of Hyderabad, the capital of the Indian state Andhra Pradesh, is truly inspiring for late-comers to development. Within two decades, Andhra Pradesh has been catapulted straight from a poor and...
Chile could well have space to increase its growth potential by 2 percentage points of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per year. To do this, it would need to pay more attention to new sources of growth in...
The region has been transformed by these developments, changing from a set of countries that rapidly integrated with the world to one that is also aggressively exploiting the sources of dynamism that lie...
The region has been transformed by these developments, changing from a set of countries that rapidly integrated with the world to one that is also aggressively exploiting the sources of dynamism that lie...
In Western democracies, systems of checks and balances built into government structures have formed the core of good governance, and have helped empower citizens for more than two hundred years. Many developing...
En las democracias occidentales, los mecanismos de equilibrio de poder incorporados en las estructuras gubernamentales formaron la parte central de la buena administración y ayudaron a otorgar facultades...
This report discusses China's fiscal risk, and introduces related international experience and theoretical progress. It includes three main sections: contingent liabilities in a macroeconomic perspective...
The Vietnam development report 2001 entitled Vietnam 2010: entering the 21st century is a three-volume set consisting of an overview and two parts. The first part of the report comments on the comprehensive...
The methodology used in this study is a descriptive exercise of Bolivia's external financial transactions, with three novel features. First, historical counterfactuals have been calculated to evaluate...
The purpose of this study is to review the trends in Thailand's accumulation of foreign debt, to assess the methods currently employed to manage and control foreign borrowing, and to propose changes in...
Conventional wisdom seems to claim that Low Developing Countries (LDC) debt rescheduling problems are reflections of the failure of borrowers to invest their loans in appropriate productive activities...