This note is a resource for World Bank task teams providing technical assistance to Borrowers on grievance redress mechanisms (GRMs). The first step in strengthening a project-level GRM, after discussing...
In April and May 2020, a first-of-a-kind survey was conducted by the World Bank with project implementation unit (PIU) focal points responsible for the operation of grievance mechanisms (GMs) in World...
As part of a community-driven development project, an electricity generator was placed next to a house in a village. The bedridden woman living in the house and her husband, realizing that the noise of...
This paper explores which factors influence the success of a GM and under what circumstances GMs trigger, or fail to trigger, improvements in project design, changes in power dynamics, or community relations...
This case study examines the grievance redress mechanisms (GRMs) put in place for two World Bank financed projects in the Republic of Rwanda: the Feeder Roads Development Project (FRDP) and the Rwanda...