The phenomenon of migration from rural areas to urban centers is the very essence of people’s desire to live better, in environments adapted to the dynamics of the present and with a clear vision of the...
This report serves as a key instrument in evaluating the municipality of Constanța’s main challenges and opportunities in managing its local budget. The main challenge that Constanța faces in terms of...
Strategic requirements are a way to ensure that EU funds generate more value added than just the investments they finance. For the 2021-2027 programming period, Romania will receive around thirty billion...
The mandate of the EU cohesion’s policy is to narrow development gaps and reduce disparities between member countries and regions whilst supporting the European Union’s growth agenda more generally. Part...
Strategic requirements are a way to ensure that EU funds generate more value added than just the investments they finance. For the 2021-2027 programming period, Romania will receive around thirty billion...
The mandate of the EU cohesion’s policy is to narrow development gaps and reduce disparities between member countries and regions whilst supporting the European Union’s growth agenda more generally. Part...
Over time, no region or country has ever managed to develop without urbanization. Global economic growth has always been accompanied by some form of urbanization. Cities generate higher growth and productivity...
Over time, no region or country has ever managed to develop without urbanization. Global economic growth has always been accompanied by some form of urbanization. Cities generate higher growth and productivity...
Romania needs to make important decisions on smart metering implementation but has yet to conduct an up-to-date cost-benefit analysis that fully measures the economic impacts of this radical change in...
Since the approval of the Common Rules for the Internal Market in Electricity Directive (2009/72/EC) in 2009, all member states of the European Union (EU) have been attempting to assess the impacts of...
The report aims to provide information about the current EMR regulations in Romania, relevant standards, and their appropriate implementation and to identify gaps and limitations. It documents the evidence...
The assessment of the EMR system across the different EMR centers in Romania shows that: (i) the regulation in force is not properly implemented due to insufficient or inappropriate mechanisms, and (i)...