Digital platforms have the potential to support the sustained creation of economic value and foster jobs and economic inclusion in South Africa. This assessment examines private digital platforms in South...
The limited market size of many small emerging economies is a key constraint to the growth of innovative small and medium enterprises. Exporting offers a potential solution, but firms may struggle to locate...
One of the key challenges facing innovative small and medium enterprises is customer acquisition. This is especially a constraint in less populated countries like those in the Western Balkans, where domestic...
The case for digitalizing economies has never been stronger. Above all, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has made the benefits of conducting contactless transactions starkly clear. Yet, as this report...
The case for digitalizing economies has never been stronger. Above all, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has made the benefits of conducting contactless transactions starkly clear. Yet, as this report...
The case for digitalizing economies has never been stronger. Above all, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has made the benefits of conducting contactless transactions starkly clear. Yet, as this report...
This paper employs a matched firm production/innovation panel data set from Chile to explore the response of firm innovation to the increased competition arising from the China shock. In addition to covering...
The stagnation of productivity in the developing world, and indeed, across the globe, over the last two decades dictates a rethinking of productivity measurement, analysis, and policy. This volume presents...
This paper presents firm-level estimates of revenue-based total factor productivity premiums of manufacturing firms adopting digital technology in 82 developing economies over 2002-19. The paper estimates...
The main objective of this report is to provide new evidence on Russia’s productivity growth dynamics and its determinants to guide the design of productivity-enhancing policies. The report builds both...
This paper investigates the sources of capital misallocation across a group of 11 developing and developed countries. The main findings are (i) technological frictions, namely, adjustment costs and uncertainty...
This study aims to answer a simple question: what the impact on poverty rates due changes in consumer prices because of changes in market structure of selected goods in Russia will be. It uses WELCOM (Welfare...
This paper describes and benchmarks innovation activities for a sample of countries in the South Asia region, as well as the impact of these activities on firm-level productivity. The evidence gathered...
The stagnation of productivity in the developing world, and indeed, across the globe, over the last two decades dictates a rethinking of productivity measurement, analysis, and policy. This volume presents...
The forthcoming World Development Report (WDR) 2019: The Changing Nature of Work studies how the nature of work is changing as a result of advances in technology today. Fears that robots will take away...
Innovative start-ups and SMEs in developing and transition countries often have good ideas, but may not have these ideas fine-tuned to the stage where they can attract outside funding. This is the case...
Many innovative start-ups and small and medium-size enterprises have good ideas, but do not have these ideas fine-tuned to the stage where they can attract outside funding. Investment readiness programs...
Romania has not suffered the productivity slowdown and decline that affected most of EU15. In the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis the country experienced growth in labor productivity, which however...
The forthcoming World Development Report (WDR) 2019: The Changing Nature of Work studies how the nature of work is changing as a result of advances in technology today. Fears that robots will take away...
The diffusion of knowledge plays a central role in endogenous growth theories. Simply put, in these models new knowledge can be generated from preexisting knowledge. In other words, existing knowledge...