This roadmap provides strategic analysis of the offshore wind development potential in Türkiye, considering the opportunities and challenges under different, hypothetical, growth scenarios. It is intended...
Bu yol haritası, farklı, varsayımsal büyüme senaryoları altındaki fırsatları ve zorlukları göz önünde bulundurarak, Türkiye'deki açık deniz rüzgar geliştirme potansiyelinin stratejik analizini sunmaktadır...
La nivel global, tehnologia pentru energie eoliană offshore (OSW) furnizează volume mari de energie din proiecte la scară de GW, la prețuri competitive cu cele ale noilor tehnologii de generare convențională...
Globally, offshore wind (OSW) technology delivers large volumes of energy from GW-scale projects at prices competitive with those of new-build conventional generation technologies. Romania already has...
O Brasil possui uma abundância de recursos naturais que contribuem para atender à sua demanda energética. Graças a uma base tradicional de energia hidrelétrica e ao desenvolvimento mais recente de energia...
Brazil possesses an abundance of natural resources that contribute to meeting its energy demand. Thanks to a traditional base of hydroelectric power and the more recent development of onshore wind and...
Armenia is currently preparing for a pilot wind power project. The site for the project will be selected and prepared by R2E2, developers will be determined through a PPA auction, and the project will...
In order to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, offshore wind will need to make an increasing contribution to the global effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the Paris agreement...
The global wind industry is on the cusp of unparalleled expansion, and it is imperative that biodiversity be protected while such growth is achieved. Onshore wind energy facilities have potentially significant...
Appendix D of the Decision Support Tool is to be used with the "Good Practice Handbook on Post-construction Bird and Bat Fatality Monitoring (PCFM) for Onshore Wind Energy Facilities (WEFs) in Emerging...
Appendix A of the Decision Support Tool is to be used with the "Good Practice Handbook on Post-construction Bird and Bat Fatality Monitoring (PCFM) for Onshore Wind Energy Facilities (WEFs) in Emerging...
This report seeks to inform ongoing discussions on how to accelerate global decarbonization efforts, and the role of concessional finance in supporting such efforts. The report is also intended to complement...
The World Bank Group (WBG) launched a new global initiative on offshore wind in March 2019. The offshore wind development program objective is to support the inclusion of offshore wind into the energy...
This report provides a strategic vision for development of offshore wind (OSW) in Azerbaijan, looking at both opportunities and challenges under different growth scenarios. It is intended to provide evidence...
This roadmap provides strategic analysis of the offshore wind development potential in the Philippines, considering the opportunities and challenges under different, hypothetical growth scenarios. The...
This roadmap provides strategic analysis of the offshore wind development potential in the Philippines, considering the opportunities and challenges under different, hypothetical growth scenarios. The...