Nitrogen fertilizer is essential for boosting agricultural yields and food production. However, agricultural subsidies often drive the inefficient application of fertilizer, leading to significant costs...
The main objective of this study is to assess the status of nitrate pollution and management inthe mountain areas of Romania, and provide an understanding of: (i) trends and impact statusof nitrate pollution...
The development objective of the Ma'anshan Cihu River Basin Improvement Project for China is to assist the Government in their efforts to promote environmentally and socially sustainable abandoned mine...
The Water Sector Institutional Development Project 2 (WSIDP 2) of the Government of Angola (GOA) is designed to continue to provide assistance the government policies implementation, in the existing systems...
La consolidación de la Gestión Integrada de los Recursos Hídricos (GIRH) en las cuencas de Perú es una pieza clave para garantizar la seguridad hídrica y el desarrollo económico del país. La GIRH permite...
The development objective of Rural Water Supply Project (BIRD IV)for Morocco is to provide access to safe and reliable drinking water supply for rural communities in targeted underserved areas in the Project...
Ratings for the Tunis West Sewerage Project for Tunisia were as follows: outcomes were unsatisfactory, the risk to development outcome was high, the Bank performance was unsatisfactory; and the Borrower...
The Balochistan Integrated Water Resources Management and Development Project aims to improve water resources planning, management, and monitoring by the government, and to increase the adoption of water-efficient...
The Shanghai Urban Environment Project for China is intended to provide a sustainable environmental setting for the long term economic and social development in the Municipality of Shanghai while supporting...