El término resiliencia comprende conceptos que marcan un cambio o una suerte deevolución en la manera de concebir proyectos de servicio público. Hasta hace pocos años,y en países como Bolivia, los proyectos...
Seguridad hídrica: la disponibilidad de una cantidad y calidad aceptables de agua para la salud, los medios de vida, los ecosistemas y la producción, junto con un nivel aceptable de riesgos relacionados...
Pollution and environmental degradation often worsen as countries develop and industrialize. The Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis suggests that, initially, economic growth increases pollution...
Development Objectives of the Plan Pazcifico: Water Supply and Basic Sanitation Infrastructure of Colombia are (i) to improve coverage and service quality of water supply and basic sanitation in urban...
The objective of the Additional Financing (AF) for the Dushanbe Water Supply Project for Tajikistan is to improve the safety, reliability, efficiency, and financial viability of the water supply services...
This press release announces on May 20, 1971, that the World Bank has approved two Brazilian loans totaling thirty-seven million US dollars to finance the foreign exchange cost of the Sao Paulo Water Supply...