No Brasil, cerca de metade do esgoto coletado é descartado sem tratamento. Esta situação cria problemas sérios para a saúde e o meio ambiente. Para obter os benefícios dos sistemas formais de saneamento...
About half of Brazil’s wastewater goes untreated, a situation that creates significant health and environmental problems. To achieve the benefits of formal sanitation systems, households must connect to...
This Handbook aims to serve as a guide dissemination tool for Wastewater Reuse Certificates (WRCS), a market—based mechanism conceptualized by 2030 Water Resources Group to enable circular economy solutions...
The objective of the Sanitation PPP Support Project for Tunisia is to increase access to and improve the quality of wastewater management services in selected areas of the country; and to strengthen ONAS’...
Small towns in low- and middle-income countries are growing rapidly and struggling to meet the increased demands of wastewater collection and treatment. To avert public health crises and continued environmental...
The Oeste Wastewater Management Project of Panama has as its objective to restore health and environmental conditions, as well as the elimination of contamination by untreated sewage in the country's rivers...
The objectives of the Water and Sanitation in Tourist Areas Project are: (i) strengthening and consolidating the policy framework of the water and sanitation sector in the Dominican Republic; (ii) improving...
The objectives of the Water and Sanitation in Tourist Areas Project are: (i) strengthening and consolidating the policy framework of the water and sanitation sector in the Dominican Republic; (ii) improving...