This study conducted a randomized experiment to improve participation in a youth employment program in Côte d'Ivoire by testing text message outreach methods. Sending text messages highlighting that the...
Jobs at Your Doorstep is an initiative to conduct an extensive jobs diagnostic, aiming to delineate the socio-economic, demographic, and employment landscape of six states: Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, Madhya...
This report, written at the request of the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC) in Saudi Arabia, explores the importance of addressing care challenges in Saudi Arabia. The report examines...
Education and skills are two key determinants of earning potential, with sector specialization significantly influencing earnings. This study examines the drivers behind training choices in two high-paying...
This paper provides a narrative review of social protection policies for youth (ages 15–24) in low- and middle-income countries; assesses the state of the evidence on their impacts; and provides recommendations...
Ratings for the Second Enhanced Vocational Education and Training Project for Nepal were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was satisfactory and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was high...
World Bank project focused on skills development opportunities to enhance employability of youth (particularly women and those from marginalized groups) in Ethiopia.
This newsletter highlights: featured works on vocational education and training (VET) teachers; essential reading; what’s brewing at the WBG?; and help desk.
The development objective of the Education and Skills for Employability Project for Ethiopia is to improve employment outcomes of the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) system of Ethiopia...
Ratings for the Skills Development Project for Uganda were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was substantial. Some lessons learned...
The development objective of the Higher Education Project : Espoir‐Jeunes for Senegal is to increase equitable access to market‐relevant short‐term vocational tertiary education and strengthen governance...
The assessment is aimed at identifying and assessing the current conditions and common practices under which Romanian training institutions operate and providing policy makers and training providers with...
Le chapitre 6 de la Stratégie d'éducation pour l'Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre examine le défi du développement des compétences professionnelles et de la recherche dans AFW et identifie les interventions...
Irregular migration from West Africa to Europe across the Sahara and Mediterranean is extremely risky for migrants and a key policy concern. A cluster-randomized experiment with 3,641 young men from 391...
Gender-based occupational segregation - the fact that men and women are typically concentrated in different occupations and economic sectors - contributes to gender gaps in earnings. In an experiment in...
Gender-based occupational segregation - the fact that men and women are typically concentrated in different occupations and economic sectors - contributes to gender gaps in earnings. In an experiment in...