Nutrient requirements are frequently not met due to the limited availability and affordability of an adequately diverse diet that includes plant, and animal-source foods. Food fortification refers to the...
Although Lao PDR has experienced notable improvements in the nutritional status of its infants and young children, the levels of childhood chronic undernutrition (stunting) remain amongst the highest in...
Nutrition Smart Agriculture: When Good Nutrition is Good Business. Nutrition smart agriculture (NSmartAg) is a set of agriculture and agro-processing technologies and practices that contribute to the improvement...
Nutrition Smart Agriculture: When Good Nutrition is Good Business. Nutrition smart agriculture (NSmartAg) is a set of agriculture and agro-processing technologies and practices that contribute to the improvement...
Ratings of Enhanced Nutrition for Mothers and Children Project for Pakistan were as follows: outcome was moderately unsatisfactory, Bank performance was moderately unsatisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation...
According to the Timor-Leste Demographic and Health Survey, in 2016 about 46 percent of all children less than five years old are stunted, 24 percent are wasted, and 40 percent are anemic. Rural children...
Ratings of an Innovative, Integrated Approach to Enhance Smallholder Family Nutrition Project for Uganda were as follows: outcome was satisfactory, Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and monitoring...