Despite extensive evidence on the importance of non-cognitive skills for labor market outcomes, to what extent training can affect specific skills in adulthood remains an open question. This paper conducts...
The development objective of the Support to the First Bogota Metro Line Section One Project for Colombia is to improve public transport and access to opportunities in the area of influence of Bogota’s...
The development objective of the Support to the First Bogota Metro Line Section One Project for Colombia is to improve public transport and access to opportunities in the area of influence of Bogota’s...
The development objective of the Support to the First Bogota Metro Line Section One Project for Colombia is to improve public transport and access to opportunities in the area of influence of Bogota’s...
The development objective of the Support to the First Bogota Metro Line Section One Project for Colombia is to improve public transport and access to opportunities in the area of influence of Bogota’s...
The development objective of the Hubei Yichang Three Gorges Modern Logistics Center Infrastructure Project for China is to promote thelogistics services and multi-modal transportation along the Yangtze...
The development objectives of Transport Connectivity Project for Paraguay are: to (a) reduce transport connectivity costs and improve road safety along selected paved road sections that pass through targeted...
The development objective of the Medium Cities Development Project for Vietnam is to increase access to improved urban infrastructure services in three selected medium sized cities, Lao Cai, Phu Ly, and...
The Ibarra Transport Infrastructure Improvement Project of Ecuador Development Objective (PDO) is to improve accessibility in the Municipality of Ibarra and enhance mobility within its recreational and...
The dual objective of the project is to accomplish road-building and maintenance work. To achieve this goal of development the state has undertaken efforts to rehabilitate 1056 km of earth roads on the...
The objective of the Yunnan Highway Asset Management Project for China is to improve Yunnan’s trunk highway asset management capacity and provide a better level of service to trunk highway users. Some...
The objective of the Additional Financing and Restructuring for Rural Roads Infrastructure Improvement Project for Nicaragua is to: (a) improve the access of the rural population living in the project...
The purpose of this paper is to investigate three related issues concerning the urban land market in Bogota, Colombia. First, an attempt is made to quantify the extent to which land unit prices vary in...