Green goods trade will matter for the transition to a low-carbon global economy as well as for its adaptive capacity to climate events. This study explores green goods trade and related trade policies...
The three major players in the global economy, the United States, the European Union, and China, have been designing climate mitigation policies that will help reduce their carbon emissions but will also...
The Royal Government of Bhutan (RGoB), with financial support from the World Bank, is preparing the Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) Bhutan project under the...
Global goods trade values rose in the four months from April to July from the same period of last year, as volumes tracked record 2022 levels, fuel prices stabilized, and exports grew across most regions...
In Argentina, electricity transmission is carried out within the framework of the Argentine Interconnection System (Sistema Argentino de Interconexión, SADI). The SADI consists of a set of lines, networks...
Environmental and climate factors play an increasing role in shaping Ethiopia’s economic competitiveness, and this report aims to provide an overview of these shifts. This novel report is a high-level...
This report emphasizes the continuous critical importance of international trade and integration in international markets for FNS. The report finds that in the long term, if governments shift toward more...
The development objective of the Peshawar Torkham Economic Corridor Project for Pakistan is to ensure safety at higher speeds on modern road. In the long run, the project is expected to be financially...
The objective of the Regional Connectivity Project for Bangladesh is to lower trade transaction costs associated with complying with government regulatory requirements for import and export activities;...
The objective of the Regional Connectivity Project for Bangladesh is to lower trade transaction costs associated with complying with government regulatory requirements for import and export activities;...
The development objective of the Peshawar Torkham Economic Corridor Project for Pakistan is to ensure safety at higher speeds on modern road. In the long run, the project is expected to be financially...
Fomentar oportunidades de crecimiento en las diversas regiones de Argentina ha sido un foco central de la política pública y la inversión. A lo largo de los años, los formuladores de políticas se han esforzado...
This report aims to explore the extent to which the logistics decarbonization approaches in countries in Europe and North America—and to a lesser extent, China—need to be adapted to the needs, opportunities...
This policy note examines the trade performance and potential of the Dominican Republic (DR) as an engine for economic growth. The analysis reveals that while the DR has witnessed an increase in both exports...
Reducing trade barriers offers tremendous potential for economic growth and productivity gains. However, higher incomes and increased industrial output can negatively impact the environment. This paper...
Ratings of Investment and Trade Reforms Development Policy Financing Project of Indonesia were as follows: overall outcome was moderately satisfactory, relevance of prior actions was highly satisfactory...
The Plastic Substitution Tradeoff Estimator compares the costs and benefits of 10 plastics products with up to 4 alternatives that are currently available in the market. It supports informed decision making...
These remarks were delivered by World Bank Group President David Malpass to the Development Committee at 2022 Spring Meetings on April 22, 2022. The war in Ukraine is an added challenge to catastrophic...