Ratings for the Fiscal Management Development Project for the Gambia were as follows: outcomes were moderately satisfactory, the Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and the monitoring and evaluation...
This guide offers recommendations for enhancing the resilience of telecommunications infrastructure, aiming to assist practitioners in designing, preparing, and implementing resilient projects, and to...
Currently, 5 mobile money solutions are offered in Tanzania. The telecom sector has dramatically improved access through mobile money. Over 40 percent of mobile money subscribers are active on a 90-day...
Ratings for the Telecommunications Sector Reform Project for Myanmar were as follows: outcome was satisfactory, Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality...
Como se describe en el Informe sobre el Desarrollo Mundial 2016 “Dividendos Digitales” recientemente publicado por el Banco Mundial, el acceso a servicios de tecnologías de información y la comunicación...
The project development objective of the Sahel Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases Project of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger is to increase delivery and use of harmonized community-level services for...
The Economic Updates series presents a summary of the analytical work of the World Bank in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and aims at stimulating the dialogue over options for long term economic...
The principal problems of the telecommunications sector in less developed countries center on the high capital cost of expanding telecommunications infrastructure, on the variety and diversity of the benefits...
This news release, dated July 23, 1981, announces the World Bank approved its third loan to Egypt for a telecommunications project. The loan, amounting to 64 million dollars, will be made to the Arab Republic...
This news release, dated July 9, 1981, announces the World Bank approved a 40 million dollars loan to Uruguay for a project to improve and expand the country’s telecommunications services.
The principal problems of the telecommunications sector in less developed countries center on the high capital cost of expanding telecommunications infrastructure, on the variety and diversity of the benefits...
This press release announces that the World Bank has approved a loan of twenty-three million US dollars to the Ghana Posts and Telecommunicatiora Corporation (GPT) to help finance a telecommunications...
The World Bank Group's lending and investment operations in developing countries reached a record annual figure of more than 3,000 million dollars in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1972.
This press release announces on April 6, 1971, that a World Bank loan of nine million five hundred thousand US dollars will assist a project in El Salvador to increase local and long distance telecommunications...