Businesses of the state (BOS) have regained the public debate in midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially as a source of resilience to shocks and a mechanism for technology development and diffusion...
Egypt stands at an inflection point in its social and economic development journey. While reforms implemented since 2016 had helped improve economic buffers, economic imbalances remained. These imbalances...
This Country Partnership Framework (CPF) sets forth the World Bank Group (WBG) strategy for supporting Namibia’s goals to reduce poverty and inequality as outlined in its national development plans. Although...
The development objective of the Second Boosting Resilience and Unlocking Productive Potential Development Policy Financing Project for Gambia, The are to (i) accelerate private sector participation in...
This report is part of a World Bank review of Stateowned Enterprise (SOE) governance practices in Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries. The review is responding to the scarcity of data about such...
This paper characterizes finance allocation distortions in capital markets across state-owned and private-owned enterprises. It does so by implementing Whited and Zhao’s (2021) methodology to infer idiosyncratic...
This Public Finance Review (PFR) discusses the challenges and opportunities in strengthening Zambia’s fiscal governance to support the government’s ambitious development agenda through transformative investments...
This report addresses the importance of dividend policies for jurisdictions with profitable or potentially profitable state-owned enterprises (SOEs), against the background of current challenges in public...
This paper studies the performance differentials between privately-owned enterprises and businesses of the state. Businesses of the State (BOS) are firms with 10 percent or more direct or indirect state...
Ratings for the Second Fiscal Management, Energy and Telecom Reform Development Policy Financing Project for Gambia, the were as follows: outcomes were moderately satisfactory, the relevance of prior actions...
Algeria’s growth was robust in 2023, and inflation started to decelerate. GDP growth accelerated to 4.1 percent, supported by hydrocarbon sector growth, as natural gas production compensated for successive...
This report is part of a World Bank review of state-owned enterprise (SOE) governance practices in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The focus on governance is motivated by research pointing...
Ratings for the State Owned Enterprises (SOE) Related Fiscal Management Project for Cabo Verde were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was moderately unsatisfactory and monitoring and evaluation...
Alors que Djibouti entame sa deuxième phase de développement, il est essentiel de veiller à ce que les bénéfices de la croissance soient ressentis par tous les segments de la société, en particulier les...
As Djibouti embarks on its second phase of development, it is crucial to ensure that the benefits of growth are felt by all segments of society, particularly women and youth. To achieve this, three critical...
Comoros external and overall debt are sustainable including in the medium term but remain at high risk of debt distress. Three of the four external debt burden indicators continue to breach their respective...
В настоящем докладе дается оценка сектора ГП Узбекистана и текущих тенденций реформ в этой стране. В докладе описывается одно из первых комплексных применений интегрированной системы государственных предприятий...
Cameroon remains at high risk of debt distress while its overall debt sustainability indicators have been broadly stable compared to the previous debt sustainability analysis (DSA) report published in...
The state, as an owner of businesses, competes and collaborates with the private sector, and this involvement has profound implications for investment and growth. Governments actively participate in commercial...