Understandings of what is unique and consequential about ‘social’ development vis-à-vis other sectoral domains have evolved considerably over the past eight decades, with the present articulations enjoying...
The Listening to the Citizens of Uzbekistan Survey (L2CU) has been conducted for 6 years since 2018 monthly, with the support of the UK Government. The L2CU monitored socio-economic indicators and citizens’...
O‘zbekiston fuqarolarini tinglash so‘rovi (L2CU) Buyuk Britaniya hukumati ko‘magida 2018-yildan beri har oy 6 yil davomida o‘tkazib kelinmoqda. L2CU taxminan 1500 uy xo'jaliklari respondentlaridan ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy...
Исследование «Слушая граждан Узбекистана» (L2CU) проводится уже 6 лет с 2018 года ежемесячно при поддержке правительства Великобритании. L2CU отслеживает социально-экономические показатели и восприятие...
This report outlines the actions undertaken to support Croatia’s Ministry of Labor, Pension System, Family, and Social Policy (MLPSFSP) in making the system for monitoring deinstitutionalization (DI) operational...
This study evaluates the impact of an intimate partner violence prevention program in Rwanda, using a randomized controlled trial. The 22-week couples training program aimed to improve communication, shift...
Early childhood is a crucial period for skills development and socio-emotional growth. Forcibly displaced children experience significant trauma, necessitating effective interventions. This paper examines...
Our analytical work creates a deeper understanding of how social issues affect development and growth in order to: Influence strategic priorities of the Bank (in SCDs, CCDRs, CPFs); nfluence national...
This paper sheds light on a Malaysian paradox that may have lessons for the rest of the world. Despite high gross domestic product growth with concurrent sharp reductions in income poverty and inequality...
La Evaluación de Pobreza y Equidad en Paraguay analiza las dinámicas de pobreza y desigualdad en el país durante el período 2003-2022. Este estudio examina las características de la población en situación...