Understandings of what is unique and consequential about ‘social’ development vis-à-vis other sectoral domains have evolved considerably over the past eight decades, with the present articulations enjoying...
Social safety nets are among the most widely studied interventions. More than 15,000 studies published between 2000 and 2024. There have been over 50 systematic reviews summarizing impact studies. There...
The development objective of Gulf of Guinea Northern Regions Social Cohesion Project is to improve regional collaboration and the socioeconomic and climate resilience of border-zone communities in the...
Cette note de politique consolide les points saillants d'une étude financée par le Programme de Protection Sociale Adaptative du Sahel (SASPP), explorant le rôle et l'opérationnalisation des registres...
Les filets de sécurité sociale sont parmi les interventions les plus étudiées. Plus de 15 000 études publiées entre 2000 et 2024. Il y a eu plus de 50 revues systématiques résumant les études d’impact...
This report introduces an approach to local revitalization through community-driven, site-specific art festivals. Site-specific art festivals emerged in Japan in the early 2000s to revitalize villages...
This paper strives to explain the disconnect between lessons from research literature and the relative rigidity of state-building approaches by practitioners attempting post-war reconstruction in fragile...
This is a statement by Carlo Monticelli regarding the 110th Meeting of the Development Committee, which was held on October 25, 2024. The Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) welcomes the World Bank’s...
Colombia's regularization of 2.8 million Venezuelan forced migrants, about 5% of its population, improved migrant well-being without negatively affecting native workers or social cohesion.
The government of Mauritania and the World Bank collaborated to implement a Family Dialogue pilot that targets the recipients of Tekavoul, the national cash transfer program and combines a couple’s training...
El siguiente documento es un resumen ejecutivo del informe “Evaluación del marco de accesibilidad centrado en las sobrevivientes” (SAFE, por sus siglas en inglés), apoyado por el Fondo para la Construcción...
In the Sahel, social protection programs have been proven to improve several outcomes for beneficiaries such as boosting consumption, productivity, resilience to climate change, as well as health and education...
Afghanistan NGO/CSO Capacity Support Project (NCCSP) - Addendum : Technical Note to the Management Letter
Population mobility in the Sahel is a multifaceted phenomenon. Economic factors play an important role, with many seeking better livelihoods, higher wages, and improved living standards in response to...
Le Sahel est une région en mouvement où la mobilité des populations est essentielle à l’obtention des moyens de subsistance et à la sécurité économique des personnes. Bien que la mobilité soit un aspect...
While the concept of social sustainability is growing in salience, there is little consensus on how to measure it. This lack of an accepted measure makes it harder to monitor progress toward sustainable...
The objective of this paper is to summarize analysis conducted to provide inputs to the Hybrid Social Protection Scheme (HSPS) pilot. Following the analysis conducted, the Benazir Income Support Program...