This report focuses on quality of opportunity for sexual and gender minorities (EQOSOGI), commemorating the international day against homophobia, transphobia, and biphobia (IDAHOBIT) as of May 20, 1971.
This Stakeholder Engagement Plan sets out a holistic approach for involving stakeholders in the development, execution, and oversight of the forthcoming Action Plan for Combating Sexual Violence and Sexual...
The Advisory Services and Analytics (ASA) Mitigating Gender-Based Violence Risks and Expanding the gender-based violence (GBV) portfolio in Central America carried out in FY21 aimed to develop and apply...
This aims to review Latin America and Caribbean (LC2) projects both in preparation and implementation phases to identify key entry points to address Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG). This review...
Violence against women (VAW) prevents their full participation in society, limits their access to education and economic participation, and hinders efforts to achieve gender equality overall. Thus, VAW...
В этом отчете основное внимание уделяется ключевому фактору со стороны предложения, который, как ожидается, будет влиять на интенсивность потоков из стран происхождения (и внутри них), а именно экономическим...
This paper reviews the literature on human trafficking with a focus on understanding how it is defined and measured and what factors contribute to or constrain the prevalence of human trafficking. It finds...