Despite its increasing importance worldwide, trade in services remains to be less transparent, more restrictive and more procedurally burdensome than trade in goods. Brazil’s significant evolution in the...
Despite the growing importance of commitments to foreign investors in services in regional trade agreements, there are no applied general equilibrium models in the literature that assess these regional...
This book deals with financial liberalization issues in the context of trade negotiations. The liberalization of trade and investment in financial services is only a subset of the broader financial liberalization...
This press release announces on November 18, 2009, that the countries can contribute to a more robust recovery from the global recession by rapidly concluding the Doha Development Round (DDA), which could...
The objective of this paper is to address the main considerations for China of including financial services in its preferential trade agreements. The paper briefly reviews China's financial liberalization...
This policy note is based on a project on financial services and trade agreements in the Latin America and Caribbean Region. It emphasizes that the liberalization of trade in financial services is helpful...
On December 17, 2007, the International Comparison Program (ICP) today released new data showing the world economy produced goods and services worth almost 55 trillion dollars in 2005 and that almost 40...
The Indus Basin Project for West Pakistan will provide supplemental contributions to the Indus Basin Development Fund will consist of the remodeling of existing canals, and barrages, services of consulting...