This paper estimates the impacts of regulating the use of sanitary and phytosanitary and technical barriers to trade measures through preferential trade agreements on exports of firms in Chile, Colombia...
This paper explores the economic impacts of preferential trade agreements, focusing on the provisions they contain, beyond phasing out tariffs. Clustering 278 preferential trade agreements based on 906...
Modern trade agreements contain a large number of provisions besides tariff reductions, in areas as diverse as services trade, competition policy, trade-related investment measures, or public procurement...
This paper presents a framework to study countries’ export potentials. It uses a gravity model to develop measures of export and trade policy potentials at the aggregate, bilateral, and industry levels...
The development objective of First Phase of Madagascar Pilot Program for Climate Resilience Project is to support Madagascar in the formulation of a strategic program for climate resilience (SPCR) and...
The development objective of First Phase of Madagascar Pilot Program for Climate Resilience Project is to support Madagascar in the formulation of a strategic program for climate resilience (SPCR) and...
The establishment of a risk prioritization plan is an essential element to the modernization of phytosanitary services. Many phytosanitary agencies are under growing pressure to manage increasing volumes...
This paper describes how different policy distortions have been impeding better integration of Brazil's external and internal product markets and discusses how these distortions have prevented domestic...