Governments in low-income countries are increasingly integrating off-grid electricity provision into national electrification strategies, creating novel, decentralized markets for electricity. This paper...
The objective of the Accelerating Sustainable and Clean Energy Access Transformation Project is to increase access to sustainable and clean energy in Eswatini. The project has three components, the first...
This Public Finance Review (PFR) investigates how improved public investment management could contribute to accelerating rural development and structural transformation. Modernizing agriculture and improving...
Can mini grids help to solve the problem of poorly served main grid connected communities? A mini grid is an electricity generation and distribution network that supplies electricity to a localized group...
This is the fifth and final progress report to the Board of Executive Directors (the Board) on the implementation of the Management Action Plan (MAP) in response to the Inspection Panel Investigation Report...
Can mini grids help to solve the problem of poorly served main grid connected communities? A mini grid is an electricity generation and distribution network that supplies electricity to a localized group...
The development objective of the Renewable Energy Support and Access Accelerator Project for Botswana is to enable renewable energy grid integration in Botswana and improve electricity service in selected...
GFDRR is assisting Bangladesh to enhance the climate resilience of its rural power system through a combination of risk mapping, knowledge transfer, and innovative solutions.
Ratings for the Rural Electrification Hybrid System Project for Mali were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was satisfactory and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was high. Some lessons...
Ratings for the Third Phase of the Energy for Rural Transformation Project for Uganda were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was moderately satisfactory and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality...
In the last decade, Bangladesh achieved a more than fourfold increase in electricity generation capacity and delivered electricity connections to more than 99 percent of its population. The Bangladesh...
The Second Rural Electrification Project in Peru created direct jobs in rural electrification and promoted productive uses of electricity. While it had a positive impact on income and job quality, gender...
Rural electrification projects in Malawi generated substantial direct and indirect employment opportunities, particularly in construction and skilled roles. The projects also had an impact on gender disparity...
The productive use of electricity in rural communities can contribute to significant socioeconomic development and increased welfare. The virtuous cycle of productive use of electricity assumes that early...
Ratings for the Second Stage Rural Electrification Project for Vanuatu (VREP) were as follows: outcome was unsatisfactory, Bank performance was moderately unsatisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation...
The development objectives of the North Core and Dorsale Nord Regional Power Interconnector Project for Western Africa are: (i) to increase the capacity to trade electricity between Nigeria, Niger, Benin...
The development objectives of the North Core and Dorsale Nord Regional Power Interconnector Project for Western Africa are: (i) to increase the capacity to trade electricity between Nigeria, Niger, Benin...