Governments in the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region face significant developmental and institutional challenges, such as slowing growth, fiscal constraints, and inefficiencies in the public...
This Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) validation of the World Bank Group’s (WBG) Completion and Learning Review (CLR) covers the FY16-FY20 Country Partnership Framework (CPF) and its adjustments through...
Ratings of Integrated Public Sector Reform Project for Congo, Republic of were as follows: outcome was satisfactory, Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation quality...
Governments across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region increasingly recognize the transformative potential of digitalizing the public sector through GovTech approaches. GovTech as defined by...
Notwithstanding the advancement of the diversification agenda, hydrocarbon revenues still account for more than 60 percent of total budget revenues which exposes the economy to the volatility of energy...
The Dominican Republic has made significant progress in boosting economic growth and reducing poverty, but it still faces challenges to achieve inclusive and equitable development, increase productivity...
This report employs a diverse range of data sources to examine district-level variations in public sector productivity in Slovakia. It leverages administrative data to measure productivity from the Fabasoft...
The development objective of Modernization of Government Services Project for Moldova is to improve access, efficiency, and quality of delivery of selected government administrative services. This restructuring...
Mozambique is a country in Southern Africa with a population of nearly 33 million. It is endowed with abundant natural, energy, and agricultural resources, potential to develop as a regional trade hub...
The lack of fiscal space and effective public sector governance continue to limit progress in public service delivery and poverty reduction. Madagascar is one of only six countries in the world where real...
Poor public service delivery challenges persist in many parts of the world, but Africa is particularly affected by this problem. In its efforts to enhance public service delivery the World Bank is not...
In most countries, subnational governments are responsible for delivering important services and infrastructure in the context of broader multi-level governance arrangements. Conditional grants are widely...
The role that decentralization plays in public sector management around the world is evolving rapidly. Whereas decentralization has traditionally been pursued in countries around the world as a governance...
This review looks at the overall financing systems and specific practices in Public Employment Services (PES) across twelve countries (mostly OECD).
This document covers the questionnaire for survey of local government Deputy Mayors and Municipal Secretaries in Estonia as of October 2022.
Таджикистан демонстрирует высокие темпы роста с конца 1990-х годов: в период с 1998 по 2019 годы экономика страны росла в среднем более чем на 7 процентов в год, восстанавливаясь после разрушительных последствий...