Ratings for the Accelerating Progress Towards Universal Health Coverage Project for Mali were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality...
Diarrhea and growth faltering in early childhood reduce survival and impair neurodevelopment. This paper assesses whether a national program in the Democratic Republic of Congo reduced diarrhea and stunting...
The development objective of the Health Assistance and Response to Emergencies Project for Sudan is to restore access to a basic package of health and nutrition services and preserve the main elements...
The development objective of Preparedness for Public Health Emergencies Project for Türki̇ye is to strengthen Türkiye's capacity to (i) produce vaccines, and (ii) detect and initiate a rapid response to...
As global efforts to build emergency-ready health systems intensify, the "Strategic Investment for Health System Resilience: A Three-Layer Framework" offers a practical investment framework and diverse...
This is a statement by H.E. Reinette Klever at the 110th Meeting of the Development Committee held on October 25, 2024. At the October 2023 Annual Meeting, governors agreed that addressing global challenges...
Global warming has dramatically increased the frequency, intensity, and duration of extreme heat events, or heatwaves. Exposure to extreme heat presents a wide range of challenges for public health, labor...
The objective of the Health Enhancement and Resiliency in Tonga Project is to strengthen the management of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in Tonga, increase the availability of climate resilient health...
Nas últimas três décadas, muitos países da América Latina e Caribe reconheceram a saúde como um direito humano. Desde o início dos anos 2000, 46 milhões de pessoas nos países estudados recebem cobertura...
The development objective of Kingston Waterfront Improvement Project for Jamaica is to develop high-quality designs to improve the Kingston Waterfront, expand economic development opportunities, and enhance...
The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the need for public health departments to improve how they address the behavioral components of health. Efforts to understand and address the linkages between behavior...
The global public sector healthcare workforce, including medical, administrative, and support staff, is central to the delivery of quality public health services. Effectively managing this workforce is...
Administrative divisions extend beyond mere map boundaries as they significantly impact people's lives, influencing the availability and quality of public goods such as green spaces, transportation, waste...
Lebanon’s healthcare system faces some daunting challenges. The country’s ongoing socioeconomic and political crisis has led to reduced government health spending and the widespread loss of public and...
В данном отчете представлена комплексная оценка ожидаемого спроса на услуги Среднего коридора - мультимодального железнодорожного и морского коридора, соединяющего китайский и европейский рынки через Центральную...