Rapid population growth and urbanization place substantial demands on the infrastructure in African countries. With this, major investments in public infrastructure, including transport, telecommunications...
Rapid population growth and urbanization place substantial demands on African countries’ infrastructures. With this, major investments in public infrastructure, including transport, telecommunications...
Bangladesh is warming at an alarming rate, the maximum temperature increased by 1.1°C between 1980 and 2023. At the same time, the heat index, or feels like temperature (which combines humidity and temperature...
Gabon distinguishes itself in Sub-Saharan Africa with its relatively high income per capita, abundant natural resources, and a significant urban population - 89 percent residing in urban areas. Economic...
About 1.2 billion people - one in five people in the world – are at high risk from climate-related hazards, but much can be done to make people, business, communities, and countries more resilient. The...
About 1.2 billion people - one in five people in the world – are at high risk from climate-related hazards, but much can be done to make people, business, communities, and countries more resilient. The...
Opći je cilj podržati Ministarstvo rada, mirovinskog sustava, obitelji i socijalne politike (MLPSFSP) u razvoju metodologije za redovito praćenje siromaštva i socijalne isključenosti na razini NUTS 3 ili...
The national poverty rate increased 1.8 percentage points from 41.4 percent in 2018-19 to 43.2 percent in 2021-22, dramatically increasing in the Sahel region. Poverty rates in the Sahel region (which...
Fragile and conflict-affected situations (FCS), environmental degradation, and natural disasters are on the rise and threaten to reverse development gains. In the past decade, violent civil conflicts have...
El panorama demográfico mundial se encuentra en una encrucijada, con una rápida disminución de la fertilidad y el envejecimiento de la población que tienen profundas implicaciones para el empleo, los servicios...
Ratings for the Strengthening Universal Health Insurance Project for Costa Rica were as follows: outcomes were highly unsatisfactory, the Bank performance was highly satisfactory, and the monitoring and...
The report illustrates the results of a series of simulations of the spread of COVID-19 disease in refugee camps using a demo set of data from the Za’atari refugee camp in Jordan. The purpose of this exercise...
Forced displacement has become a phenomenon of tragic proportions. By the end of 2022, more than 108 million people were forcibly displaced, having escaped conflict, violence, or persecution. Low- and...
As the number of forcibly displaced persons around the world reached a record 120 million in June 2024, the World Bank continues to deepen its efforts to understand and respond to the unique needs of these...
Over the past decade, under the astute leadership of the Government of Bangladesh (GoB), the country has made impressive strides in enhancing the health and well-being of its people. The remarkable gains...
The Reference Annex titled "Illustrative Examples for Independent Evaluation Group Validators: Implementation Completion and Results Report Reviews for Investment Project Financing" serves as a supplementary...
The Implementation Completion and Results Report (ICR) is one of the World Bank’s main instruments for self-evaluation. This manual provides comprehensive guidance and practice examples to evaluators for...
Ratings for the Second Equitable Growth and Job Creation Programmatic Development Policy Financing for Jordan were as follows: outcomes were moderately unsatisfactory, relevance of prior actions was satisfactory...
The document collection focuses on the transformation of the agricultural sector to drive inclusive economic development. It emphasizes the need for strategic investment in the agricultural industry to...