The European Union (EU) has consistently acknowledged the critical challenge posed by poverty and social exclusion, formulating comprehensive strategies and dedicating substantial financial resources to...
Changes in the sentiment of migration-related news published in destination countries affect the timing of migrants’ journeys to these countries. Using geo-localized data on migrants in Libya and the complete...
The development objective of Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity Building in Latin America and the Caribbean Project is to improve monitoring and evaluation frameworks, capacity, and use in select countries...
Esta nota presenta un análisis de la encuesta CASEN 2020 en Pandemia para identificar posibles brechas en indicadores de pobreza y hacinamiento entre la población extranjera residente en Chile y la población...
Interest Bearing Notes is a product of the Finance and Private Sector Research Team in the World Bank's Development Research Group. It reports on research by the team, as well as non-World Bank research...
This thematic note is part of a series being developed to inform the 2024-30 WBG Gender Strategy. It provides a summary of existing evidence in applying a social norms lens to development policy, including...
Gender data are a critical input to achieving gender equality goals. Yet insufficient availability of and funding for gender data impede effective policymaking. Without high-quality gender data, it is...
This policy note evaluates the impact that the depth of key trade agreements signed by the Dominican Republic (DR) had on the country’s trading firms. To do so, the note considers the policy areas covered...
In the Western Balkans, trade and transport policy reforms that reduce waiting time at the border by just three hours are equivalent to removing a value-based tariff of 2 percent. Reform gains are maximized...
COVID-19 shocks operate through many channels, but the magnitude and who is more affected is hard to predict. The COV-BPS survey measures the impact of shocks on firms’ sales and employment, their operations...
This report gives an overview of practices in Parliaments and regulatory quality in Uzbekistan. There are three principles of regulatory quality. The relationship between the goals of public policy and...
The objective of this report is to provide the General Secretariat of the Government (GSG) of Romania with a practical guide for the operationalization of a Policy Task Force (PTF). The guidelines provided...
The objective of this report is to provide the General Secretariat of the Government (GSG) of Romania with a practical guide for the operationalization of a Policy Task Force (PTF). The guidelines provided...
El objetivo de esta presentación es contar con información que permita caracterizar a las principales poblaciones que han llegado en los últimos cinco años al país, así como las barreras para su integración...
The sixth policy forum on natural capital data for better decision-making brought together more than six hundred data providers, statisticians, policymakers and investors to discuss how best to incorporate...
Growth in most countries in the East Asia and the Pacific (EAP) region rebounded in the first half of 2022, but China lost momentum (Figure O1A; table O1). In much of the region, domestic demand revived...
El sistema de pensiones en Argentina es el principal receptor de recursos públicos. Esto explica valores de gasto en torno al 12% del PIB, equivalente al 25% del gasto público consolidado; es decir, teniendo...
La présente note évalue la dynamique de la concurrence et les obstacles potentiels dans le secteur financier de l'UEMOA afin de fournir des recommandations de politique réalisables. Cette analyse a été...
Over the past decade, Zambia’s gross domestic product (GDP) has been decreasing as a result of a devastating combination of external and domestic shocks. The country’s macroeconomic environment was weakened...