Despite strong and sustained economic growth over the last two decades, poverty in Mozambique has remained high, particularly in rural areas (Baez and Elabed, 2020). National economic growth has been in...
The objective of the Irrigation for Climate Resilient Agriculture Project for Peru is to improve the sustainability and efficacy of water services for irrigation and the productivity of water on family...
Understanding the value of the externalities associated with a technology is crucial to correctly estimate the welfare benefits of public policies and investments. Suboptimal adoption rates of agricultural...
The development objective of Jiangxi Farm Produce Distribution System Development Project for China is to improve the distribution system of selected farm products in the participating counties of Jiangxi...
The development objective of Emergency Operation Development Projects for Iraq is to support the country in the reconstruction of damaged infrastructure and the restoration of public services delivery...
The development objective of Emergency Operation Development Projects for Iraq is to support the country in the reconstruction of damaged infrastructure and the restoration of public services delivery...
The objectives of the Livestock Productivity and Resilience Support Project is to improve productivity, resilience and market access of selected livestock value chains, and to strengthen institutional...
The objective of the Additional Financing for the Second Agriculture Sector Wide Approach Support Project is to improve productivity of smallholder farmers and market access of selected commodities for...