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  • Nigeria - Expanding systems to fight HIV and AIDS (Inglés)

    This Results Profile talks about expanding systems to fight HIV and AIDS in Nigeria. In 2002, Nigeria had 2.7 million people living with HIV and AIDS The epidemic had already killed a total of 1.7 million...

    Tipo de documento: Resumen Número del informe: 94396 Fecha del documento: 29 de agosto de 2009 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor:

  • Status of projects in execution (SOPE) - FY07 : Trinidad and Tobago (Inglés)

    The Status of Projects in Execution (SOPE) report for FY07 provides information on all International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)/International Development Association (IDA) projects...

    Tipo de documento: Informe Anual Número del informe: 50830 Fecha del documento: 10 de octubre de 2007 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor:

  • The economics of effective AIDS treatment : evaluating policy options for Thailand (Inglés)

    The purpose of this report is to advise the Thai government and Thai society at large about the full range of benefits, costs, and consequences that are likely to result from the decision to expand public...

    Tipo de documento: Publicación Número del informe: 37449 Fecha del documento: 1 de enero de 2006 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Revenga,Ana L.,Over,A. Mead,Masaki,Emiko,Peerapatanapokin, Wiwat,Gold,Julian,Tangcharoensathien,Viroj,Thanprasertsuk, Sombat