This paper develops a theme identified in recent insurance sector development work: that more developed insurance markets are desirable as insurers play a more effective institutional investment role...
Highly competitive markets or fragmented insurance markets are usually characterized by some irrational competition. In less developed non‐life insurance markets, this competition may be most visible in...
Life insurance lags non-life insurance in many nascent markets. In order to develop the life insurance market, insurance companies sometimes present the introduction of tax incentives to stimulate consumers’...
The insurance industry in Albania is relatively new. Prior to 1991, there were no insurance companies operating in the country. The insurance industry has been undergoing critical changes during the last...
The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) is a financial regulatory institution that replaced the Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors (CEIOPS)...
This paper provides new evidence of factors, other than GDP per capita, that correlate with the development of insurance markets. Based on 20 years of insurance premium data from 180 countries, and a similar...
The study examines a range of data sets to develop the analytical basis for the review, conclusions and recommendations. Insurance development is driven by a large range of factors, some of which can be...
The World Bank Technical Assistant team (WB team) prepared this Off-site Financial Analysis and Reporting Process manual (manual) as part of the deliverables for the Nepal Insurance Sector Strengthening...
This brief talks about crop insurance in Philippines. The Philippines is highly dependent on the agribusiness sector, which provides employment for over one-third of its workforce of 40 million people...
This technical note covers the insurance sector supervised by the CBR. The analysis was carried out as part of the 2016 Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) of the Russian Federation, and was based...
This assessment reviews the regulatory and supervisory developments in the insurance sector of Moldova. The current assessment is benchmarked against the insurance core principles (ICPs) issued by the...
This report is an assessment of Korea's compliance with International Association of Insurance Supervisors' Insurance Core Principles (ICPs), as adopted in October 2011. The review was carried out as part...
This assessment of Albania's compliance with the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) Insurance Core Principles (ICP) was carried out as part of the 2013 Financial Sector Assessment...
This note summarizes the conclusions of the review of the insurance sector in the Lebanon as part of the Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP). The main objectives of the assessment are to review...
Catastrophe exposure in Tanzania is limited and the key perils are drought and flood. These events have minimal impact on GDP but severe impacts on individuals in the agriculture sector, increasing their...
This assessment provides an update on the significant regulatory and supervisory development in the Nigerian insurance sector since 2001. Nigeria undertook an initial Financial Sector Assessment Program...
This assessment focused on the supervision and regulation of the insurance sector and the role of the Financial Services Commission (FSC) in Mauritius. The FSC has responsibility for licensing and supervision...
This assessment is focused on the Superintendencia de Seguros de la Nacion (SSN) in Argentina. SSN has responsibility for regulation and supervision of all players in the insurance market. In addition...