The development objective of Third Investment for Growth Development Policy Financing Project for Côte d'Ivoire is to: (1) strengthen competition in key enabling sectors and domestic revenue mobilization;...
The Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR) for Guinea-Bissau presents a strategic framework for aligning development goals with climate change objectives amid the country's delicate political and...
The Democratic Republic of São Tomé e Príncipe (STP) is the smallest independent island state in Africa, having gained independence in 1975, following the Seychelles. STP has a predominantly young population...
Investing in nature and the services it provides is an affordable approach to tackling climate mitigation and adaptation, landscape restoration, and livelihood development.
Poin-poin utama: Berkurangnya mangrove di Indonesia terjadi dengan cepat dan berkaitan dengan insentif pasar, masalah kepemilikan lahan, peraturan, dan kelembagaan. Tingkat keberhasilan upaya untuk merehabilitasi...
This analysis focuses on potential changes in habitat quality and biodiversity under a business-as-usual (BAU) and an aspirational (ASP) scenario, and the difference this makes for cultural values, particularly...
Resilient infrastructure development in the Federal Republic of Nigeria includes consideration of existing natural hazards and ongoing climate change. Relevant risks for this project include wildfire (high...
Brazil’s Legal Amazon, here called Amazônia, comprises nine states, most of which rank among the poorest in Brazil. Amazônia is one of the world’s last frontier regions. But economic expansion has moved...
The CEA 2023 aims to identify the main opportunities for the Comoros to better manage its natural capital, achieve its potential sustainably, capitalize on climate co-benefits stemming from the process...
The Rwandan economy continued to achieve strong growth in 2022 in the face of weakening external demand and restrictive monetary policies required to control inflation. Rising food prices particularly...
The World Bank Group supports countries in building a better future through green, resilient, and inclusive development (GRID). This includes countries’ efforts to harness the potential of forests to reduce...
Established in 2006, the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) is a global partnership that helps low- and middle-income countries better understand and reduce their vulnerability...
Mozambique hosts the fourth longest coastline in Africa, harboring some of the most spectacular coral reefs in the world and several highly productive estuaries, significant energy resources, water, and...
The Amazon region contains a wealth of biological and cultural diversity, contributing crucial ecosystem services at the local, regional, and global levels. Representing the largest intact rainforest remaining...
Ratings for the Rural Corridors and Biodiversity Project for Argentina were as follows: outcome was moderately satisfactory, bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation...