Amman sits at a crossroads. The city's growth presents new opportunities for development that can be both efficient and sustainable. However, rapid urbanization also strains public infrastructure and services...
Ratings for the Sustainable Land Management Project for Chile were as follows: overall outcomes were moderately satisfactory, bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation...
Ratings of Environment Services Project for Albania were as follows: outcome was satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation quality was substantial. Some of the lessons...
Potrivit regulamentului de organizare și funcționare a corpului de specialitate al Primarului Suceava, primarul, viceprimarii și secretarul orașului împreună cu organul de specialitate al Primarului Suceava...
According to the updated regulation on the organization and functioning of the specialized body of the Mayor of Tårgu Secuiescl, Tårgu Secuiesc Municipality is organized and operates according to the provisions...
Potrivit Regulamentului actualizat de organizare și funcționare a organului de specialitate al Primarului municipiului Tårgu Secuiescl, Municipiul Tårgu Secuiesc este organizat și funcționează conform...
The overall outcome of the Ningxia Desertification Control and Ecological Protection Project for China is satisfactory, with satisfactory Bank performance and substantial monitoring and evaluation quality...
Ratings for the Second Land Administration Project for Ghana were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was moderately satisfactory and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was modest. Some lessons...
The aim of the report is to develop a strategy adjusted to the constraints and to the context and is in line with the current strategies of the Malagasy government in relation to urban land management...
These are key highlights from the publication “Transparency for Impact” which intends to help natural resources companies, government agencies, and development practitioners, design and implement transparency...