Uttarakhand is a Himalayan Mountain state located in the Northern part of India, which is regularly devastated by flash floods, landslides, earthquakes, forest fires, glacier lake outbursts, and cloudburst...
The Mountain Area is a land of many riches, and over time, along with formal recognition as a territory, it has made strides in gaining its own policy objectives and institutions. In the process, the development...
The Mountain Area is a land of many riches, and over time, along with formal recognition as a territory, it has made strides in gaining its own policy objectives and institutions. In the process, the development...
This report has been delivered under the Reimbursable Advisory Services Agreement on Romania Mountain Area Development Support signed between the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the International...
This report represents “Output 3 – Ex-ante report on the impact of proposed public policies/measures on mountain area development” under the Reimbursable Advisory Services Agreement (RAS) Romania Mountain...
This report has been delivered under the Reimbursable Advisory Services Agreement on Romania Mountain Area Development Support signed between the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the International...
This report represents “Output 3 – Ex-ante report on the impact of proposed public policies/measures on mountain area development” under the Reimbursable Advisory Services Agreement (RAS) Romania Mountain...
This Synopsis is based on the Diagnostic Report: Romanian Mountain Area: Then and Now completed in April 2023 (World Bank 2023b). The Diagnostic Report was the first phase of the development of the IDS...
This report is part of a series of diagnostic studies and analyses carried by the World Bank to inform the preparation of the Integrated Development Strategy (IDS) for the Mountain area in Romania, an...
The objective of the Romania Tourism Deep Dive Study is identifying recent performanceof the tourism sector in Romania’s mountain area and highlighting barriers, challenges,opportunities, and strategies...
Acest raport face parte dintr-o serie de studii de diagnostic și analize realizate de Banca Mondială pentru a fundamenta pregătirea Strategiei de dezvoltare integrată (SDI) pentru zona montană a României...
The overarching purpose of the present mountain natural resources assessment is to shedlight on potential pathways for protecting the mountain environment and its resources whilepromoting the Mountain...
This report is part of a series of diagnostic studies and analyses carried out by the World Bankto inform the preparation of the Integrated Development Strategy (IDS) for the Mountain areain Romania, an...
Obiectivul studiului de Analiză în Profunzime a Turismului din România îl reprezintă identificareaperformanței recente a sectorului turistic din zona montană a României și evidențierea barierelor, provocărilor...
The overarching purpose of the present mountain natural resources assessment is to shedlight on potential pathways for protecting the mountain environment and its resources whilepromoting the Mountain...
This report is part of a series of diagnostic studies and analyses carried by the World Bank to inform the preparation of the Integrated Development Strategy (IDS) for the Mountain area in Romania, an...
Romania’s mountain area offers livelihood opportunities to its population as well as ecoservices and an image of traditional culture valuable to all Romanian. It supports the livelihood of the mountains’...
Romania’s mountain area offers livelihood opportunities to its population as well as ecoservices and an image of traditional culture valuable to all Romanian. It supports the livelihood of the mountains’...
The bioeconomy can be understood as an economy where the basic building blocks for materials, chemicals, and energy come from renewable, bio-based resources. A circular-bioeconomy is a model of production...
The bioeconomy can be understood as an economy where the basic building blocks for materials, chemicals, and energy come from renewable, bio-based resources. A circular-bioeconomy is a model of production...