Poland has been central to Europe’s growth performance over the last three decades, it now has an opportunity to engage in the structural reforms ensuring its continued success in a more challenging global...
Serbia, an upper-middle-income economy with a population of 6.7 million, faced returns to lower growth rates in 2022 and 2023 despite its robust recovery from the COVID-related recession. In addition to...
Este reporte se ha elaborado mediante una investigación documental cuyos hallazgos deberán ser validados por las respectivas autoridades y actores de los países miembros de la ADD. Las recomendaciones...
Under the auspices of the 2030 Water Resources Group, a team of experts from PwC and Deltares jointly undertook a targeted analysis of Mongolia’s water challenges as well as opportunities to subsequently...
Water is a liquid asset shared by everyone and controlled by none. Real change cannot be achieved through better water resource management unless boundaries are regularly enlarged to be more inclusive...
Este comunicado de prensa anuncia que la Corporación Financiera Internacional (CFI) la Société financière internationale (SFI) a approuvé un financement de 64,8 millions de dollars pour l'exploitation...